yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled

Of course, he wouldn't have seen his actions as a problem in the first place. He was happy you were agreeing so easily, though he wouldn't let his guard down. aka you're blind to their actions and accept their love. Stop acting like Im a four year old! Really? you ask still a little shaky, but theres slight playfulness in your voice. Its a wonderful age, you know. ! Although he hadnt seemed to notice your presence earlier, the sound of his name caught his attention and his body shifted. You were alone, broke, and on the run. #bts yandere mafia au #yandere bts #bts yandere #yandere bts reactions #yandere bts x reader #yandere jhope #yandere suga . you act like that before. If you dont get rid of it, I will,. Answer me, you heard the familiar note of tenseness in his voice, but before you could ease that weakness his fingers slid under your tee, rendering you wordless once again. If you behave i might untie you.why are you doing this to meBecause i love you! Hed be telling you what to eat, drink, and when to sleep. I think it is hilarious that you think you ever had a choice. You had come back early in the morning, reserved after a loud evening out with friends. Can he not talk or something?. Im fucking inspired by all the great shit Im seeing from other people though, keep rocking it I cry every time the yandere bts tag has content. Im trying to heal from him. After all, he still Now its time to punish you, You stormed out of his house as fast as you could after dumping him. Namjoon and Jin, who were singers. But what if something happens? he wonders hugging you tightly. up to do what he must, he still felt ruined. you. The request: Hi, Can I request a bts Mafia au reaction where you are terrified of guns and killing even though he is in the Mafia? trouble of actually thinking about what each member of BTS would be down. He was simply protecting you. His face so close that his hair tickled your forehead. At first, you asked yourself where your boyfriend was, curious as to why the younger man wouldnt be by your side. You breath hitched deep in your throat from the way Hoseok smiled while wiping someones else blood from his shoes as if it was just dirt. But he just laughed, the laughter evaporating from his eyes as he walked towards you. She cant leave me. "You have to stay here where it's safe. I just paid him 50 bucks and just like that he had you out cold and in my arms. He was so furious at you for that Thank you in advance! I want control over you, for you to do whatever I want, whenever I want. The movement was so gentle that you felt yourself ache momentarily for a second. saying. I want you to belong to me. That was the perfect balance both of you enjoyed, until that day when for an unknown reason Yoongi had decided you were a target of someone else. - You Having Cuts And Burns From The Kitchen. Thank you so much . You cant be serious right now! you shouted taking your hand out of his grip. ! you dont notice the way he starts to shake. He loved Ravi, somewhere You didnt have to even spare a glance at me.. Youre mine., You looked at him with disbelief as you saw him put another locker on your door. I think he would see this as an opportunity to control you. H-hoseok shutting your eyes you managed to whisper. He used his teeth to mark your sensitive neck as you mewled, drawing lines to connect them with his fingers once he was done. Lets go home nowYou wont be leaving again baby. A look you've never personally seen on him. I wouldnt need to protect myself Tae, when Im with you, Im safe lowering your head you mumbled. He's overstepping his boundaries. He would try to drug you to make the transition easier. He took pity upon you. You had convinced him to let you keep the child, but he wasnt happy. Everything was wasted. He convinced you to let him give you a ride to wherever it was you had decided to go, but he had a way of talking. He stood in front of you with a frown growing on his face. He felt sad watching I remember being six. But regardless, only Zhoumi falling would When you got close enough, you kept your head down, watching her chest rise and fall lightly. Not even yourself. jung hoesok What do I have to do to make you mine again? Thats why you shouldnt have pushed his bottons when he warned you to stay inside while he was away. But life isnt a movie and Hoseok would do anything to save you. Still enough to absolutely horrify you ,but not to the point hed kill you. Seokjin: Jin would be surprised, but I also feel as if he would be on the happier side about having kids. It will be just you and me, just please stop you whispered feeling defeated. You were jumping up and down in excitement, while he just looked at in in awe. When it got close enough, you were so desperate, you bit him. He just likes having your attention and can't imagine ever upsetting you, so he'll hold his tongue. Of course he knew that you were going to leave, he had constant tabs on you and tracking devices implanted. You didn't even think he could catch you now. the bedposts, but he had gagged you when he realized he couldnt Jin was very generous to you, he always had been. He knew the power of words. Even thinking about it made him so angry that With me. You didn't have to even spare a glance at me.". They looked at each other for a second before Jimin looked back at you. Dont say that, princess, Im not a monster, I just want to protect you and as crazy as it sounds, you knew he wasnt one. kim namjoon Do you love knowing that I die every time you look at another man?, Hobi, please, it was a mistake. Your lungs stopped working. Eventually, someone would crack under all his pressure and spill the tiniest info on you. Hobi, Im yours, you dont have to spy on me, you dont have to take photos of me when Im out you kiss his jaw line making him smile. When the timer He simply stood up and walked over to the front door and held it open with a blank face. But i did. Your felt your heart clench when he walked out of the shadows of the harbor. Wha you gasp as you look down where you stood. What a What makes you so sure Ill let you leave? He chuckles lowly in your ear, as if this whole thing is just a game. You stood and hung your head as you walked to the door but jumped in fright as he slammed it before you could exit. He simply let you leave. You knew your boyfriend didnt like it when you spent too much time with people who werent him, but that night you couldnt bring yourself to care, and now your carelessness was eating you alive. He seemed so innocent to you, you could never believe someone if they were to put blame on him. I dont love you! you shouted in his face, his face darkened and he stood quickly and punched the wall next to the door. But even perfection has its own errors. Your boyfriend looked stark. Please let me go., He groaned, pressing Seokjin. -Spanking you with his bare hand or if you're being really bad a wooden spoon. Yoongi would be ecstatic that you decided you wanted to stay with him. You let your bag drop to the floor and ran to the knife making contact instantly . Where is he? woman of his dreams. He would've been surprised if you rejected him. He first made sure it was his, and was in the happiest mood after finding out it was a baby girl. to let you go. A/N: Hello, Im back. The next few months werent as bad. to remember you were his. If you do a good job, Ill let you go, okay? He grabbed your hand to bring it to his lips, bringing you closer as his eyes grew darker. Are you done? talk when she gets back. For the past week both of your emotions were on high alert with him being constantly anxious about leaving you and whenever you asked him why didnt he just take you with him, hed just casually laugh. He had a dark look on his face. I want you to love me, and never ever mention that Namjoon again.. When you two had discussed it before, you had been excited to visit his home country and experience the world the way he saw it. If anyone wants a member I didnt write for this reaction, feel free to message me and Ill work hard to get the other one added. STOP! He shot you an exasperated look as your sister stirred slightly. I buy you things, lots of nice things. You hated him in that moment. bts x you. For a moment he looked confused but soon he was next to you, the strong aura around him made your stomach lurch and heart to ache. Nothing life-ruining, just enough to cripple him. Not yet.. I know baby, thats why Im here. BTS jungkook And the other pair were two friends, Hoseok and Yoogni. Like RM, V would think of a pure s/o as being a rare flower. But you made me do this. Never asked for anything in return. For the last two Well get a DNA test and then go to the doctors. He looked almost like a lost puppy when you told him no. You know what I want Y/N? her. He spent hours thinking about your unique world view and philosophies. Please take me back.. Kiss me. Come here, jagi. You obediently moved closer, keeping an eye on the girl in his hands. They were looking for something to do with their lives but hadnt quiet found out what yet. His favorite place to touch Thank god Im here to nip this shit in the bud and take you back home. You couldnt help but feel shaky, the fear was rushing through your veins as if it was another form of blood. When you start fidgeting in the tight hold hug he's giving you, Jake finally lets go of his grip on you, and you stumble out of his arms. You look tired today," - your crush. Truly, you should have known better. It will be just you and me, just please stop" you whispered feeling defeated. Jimin barged into your apartment, his eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. The overwhelming desire to protect you and keep you away from everyone but himself became too strong for him to even handle, and now thats precisely what hes come. But thats all he needed. It made him smile to see you shyly talk about how warm he was when the two of you were alone. - You Asking To Take a Bath Together /Get A Massage (!!) He liked that you werent a dirty, tainted whore (A/N: shut up Jin its 2018). Or do I need to show you again?" - " now kitten, you don't act like that with Daddy, or do you want to get punished?" - " baby if you have that much confidence to talk back, do you think you can talk back when I'm fucking you?" He hates the guy, don't get him wrong. You were mortified as you saw him getting a knife from one of the drawers. Was he hearing correctly? His obsessive behavior became too much. Mafia!Yandere BTS REACTION: youre scared . Read They Catch You Self-Harming from the story bts reactions by tsumusum (clo) with 12,210 reads. Hi! I didnt want to have to do this.. he said as he dragged you behind him into the room. So, so, silly Y/N. Hope you enjoy! He would never be seen as the culprit, neither by you nor anybody else. A/N: All members reaction to s/o taking their hand and putting it down there while whispering something dirty and needy. Why do I have to hurt you to make you understand that?, Y-Youre not hurting me. You gasped. I need to be more forceful now dont i? he then backed you into a wall. Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? He smiled once you looked at me. Jungkook found it absolutely precious. Its not until one of his hyungs (probably Joon or Yoongi) would take pity and track you down for him. Besides, Taehyung is actually a really cool guy. pass-code to a mans apartment. For now, he would be satisfied with this kiss. And go where? You knew it was going to be a long night. And just as Jungkook, they wont ever stop what they do until they get it. You didn't seem to mind his clingy behavior, his constant hugs and kisses he would press to your skin. wanted to be released. If thats what you want babygirl he whispered grabbing your wrist tightly, yet not enough to cause you pain First rule. Namjoon! you yell once you step into your shared apartment. So then, then, he picked up his knife again and before you could react, he slashed his arm again. "You don't need to be so shy," he hummed, "all these people are lovely, and I know they'll love you." "There's just so many of them," you sighed, "it's quite overwhelming being around all these people, having so much attention placed on me." . "You did the right thing my little one" he smiled before pulling you into his embrace. But perhaps he had been too careless. He felt his heart stop at your words. He isnt looking for me. For example, he would threaten to hurt your baby if you acted up. I dare you to say one more thing But I wouldnt recommend that if you remember what happened last time. Seokjin would never force you to kiss him, no, he would trick you into it. I've put some tags about this being a reaction or a scenario, but i'm not sure if it really is. Do you plan on posting anything soon? Jungkook laid in bed He scowled anyway, putting on his watch. Taehyung was beginning to become restless from the lack of reaction he got from you, and he pushed you onto the bed, slapping you on both cheeks. How could you not want to kiss him? What are you doing here? he smiles shyly before walking to you. If anyone knows the true name of this type of work, please . Sure, he hadn't shown much of his threats to others yet, but only because you already seemed to love him as much as he loved you. Im sorry princess, this was a bad idea anyway, no one will land a finger on you, they will never get past me. jin The only thing he would hate is knowing that other men around you would experience the same bliss. You begged not to hurt you for the baby, but he didnt listen. he was starting to get aroused from the situation. BTS !Yandere! Falling in love with him wasn't hard, and when you caught him outside of your window, camera in hand and staring at you like a deer caught in headlights, you only waved him inside, pressing a kiss to his cheek with a smile. This is written for entertainment and fun. Yandere! Youre my everything. He kissed you again, leaving no room for air as he moved his other hand lower. For example, he . The pressure of this raging sea will force you say everything youve kept deep inside for weeks. No, it wasnt. You let out a sigh before wrapping your arms around his waist. It was you. the table with a reserved calmness. I wasnt trying to leave! you shout not even caring about the consequences. Do you want to see your friends today or not? He unbuttoned his front pocket and teasingly revealed the glimpse of a metal key before shoving it back in and popping the button into place. Well I mean, I did yes. "But i did. I love you Y/n. I cant do that, baby girl. Livid but smiling. Tsk, how about you try that again?. hi your "yandere bts reactions to you being a lesbian" is actually super homophobic and paints your idols in a bad light. # yandere bts # yandere x reader # bts scenarios # bts imagines # bts reactions # bts mafia au # yandere bangtan # seokjin x reader # yoongi x reader # hoseok x reader # namjoon x reader # jimin x reader # taehyung x reader # jungkook x reader # jeongguk x reader . Hell find you, but he wouldnt make a big deal of getting you back. You know I would never do that, I love you too much he said kissing your forehead softly, deep down making plans how to keep you away from witnessing anything like that again. Your tears and crying face You know why.. Why would you do that? Hes looking for me. Baby, Then you remembered the truth about the night before, and you felt yourself pale considerably. I seriously think Ill hurt myself if I have to go another day without you. Hes gone now, but theres no erasing what happened last night. His eyes swept over you, lingering on the red marks on your collarbone. You probably think this world is a dream come true, dont you? Ive clearly been a burden to you and youve invaded my personal thoughts and space and you mock me of it., Youre going back to him, arent you? Watch, you might fall in. A soft voice said from behind you. I want you to feel that you owe me your entire being. Ive never heard that before. Before you could answer Taehyung suddenly tugged at Jimins sleeve. 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