who wrote nobody likes me, everybody hates me

I am always left feeling like Im good sometimes to some people, but overall, Im really not good enough for anyone. How parents can help kids who feel like they have no friends. I was bullied in school. Hi there idk if you will read it in this endless comment section but if u do, I have a very similar experience too except it was my dad. She has gone out of the country and has been phoning me to taunt and laugh at me over the Christmas and New Year. What we think and feel really matters , I often end up hearing problems and I really care and give attention but when I need some human interaction its just not available. A recent U.K. study of millions of people found that one in 10 people didnt feel they had a close friend, while one in five never or rarely felt loved. Love it, you speak truth. Oh I do relate to you , we try but would like to be heard too . Up comes the first one, up comes the second one, First you bit their heads off, My depression medicine has increased and I was prescribed an anti anxiety pill cause I didnt seem to be sleeping very good. That hurts. And the funny thing is, they all think Im too stupid to notice. Over low self esteem. Invisible in a conventional context always seconds at work, social & family whatever the occasion they just put up with me. Northeast Foundation for Children. I could eat five times a day! However, theyre still there, and I feel like what Im saying is stupid and pushing her away. It may, however, permit the American authorities to take appropriate action where International Law also permits. Add to this workplace bullying, numerous insults, slights, and precious few social invitations, and I am appalled that the best science can do for me is to tell me its all in my head. Dare I suggest that the cognitive therapy (essentially doing battle with ones own perceptions) that the therapists and insurance companies are pushng leaves much to be desired? I think I'll eat some worms! Over 125 songs and rhymes. There are five important steps to overcoming this inner critic. You know whats worse? When I fell behind in the group, they noticed immediately and made an effort to help me feel included. I am 60 years old, married, moved to warmer climate in a 55+ community hoping to meet people like me. I think the therapists need to concentrate less on what the victims are doing wrong and more on the people who make them victims. Bielle 23:04, 24 June 2007 (UTC)Reply[reply]. No one ever reaches out to me. Thats what you owe most. i can come across like the class clown, making people laugh and being silly until my demons start talking and then i feel like the loneliest person ever. Im so very sad and lonely. I really relate to it. I hate that! Save yourself and branch out to a new city far away. Dont beat yourself up. I feel this way on how people treat me.. and like you so very well put, treated by people who claim to love me. I care so much but people want more than just someone to care about them. I recently discovered a solution to my no-one-likes-me problem. John Youve got some great insight there buddy. If I cant get what I desire because Im undesirable to what I want, THEN I AM WORTHLESS. They may appear to have 1000s of friends, but may go home and just feel as empty as this article talks about. Now my inner voice is just affirming what I already know. I have had people tell me point-blank Nobody likes you. A boss on my first real job said, before firing me, that he had never had so many complaints about an employee. Conversely, not a soul dreads getting back from their morning jog, having to feel the looming presence of their bedroom walls and ceiling. They want freinds. When your son or daughter cries "Nobody likes me," you know that it's time to do something. My exes were nice to me in the beginning until they realized Im someone they just dont want to be around. Are Zoomies a Sign of a Happy Dog or a Crazy Dog? Dont you see? I had an awful unhappy childhood where both my parents didnt want me or loved me and one just didnt want to know me, but the other brought me up resentfully with a lot of cruelty. Sexually molested as a young girl, Emotionally and physically abused also. Over. Anyway, the feelings and observations expressed by the others in this group have given me some needed insight. Feel and behave as if the object of one's desire is on its way. it is gonna cost you, a lot propably, but you will get peace in return. But I dont understand because even meeting a bunch of new people, its me who finds it so hard to mix and end up singled out. Some of my white friends excluded me because they knew my parents were black. I have been interested in this phenomenon for a long time: this notion that because one writes on a public forum of some sort that one is just chum for the sharks. I dont know what is wrong with me either. It hurts me to my bones that the amount of schooling I did (8 years), passing very hard board exam that only 60% pass and still I have zero respect or recognition. Wood, C. (1997). Ooowie ooowie gooey worms What I heard when I read this, was it was my fault, its in my head, why Im feeling like this and what can I do to change. Itsy bitsy fuzzy wuzzy ones. Battles. I dont need people to be happy. No parent should ever be so mean and spiteful, but in reality it happens! The Cabal Ministry, in contrast, had no single leader and no uniform idea in matters of religion. I think not being able to meet any guy who would show an interest in my really bothers me a lot. I dont even think they like each other. As loneliness researcher Dr. John T. Cacioppo put it Lonely individuals are more likely to construe their world as threatening, hold more negative expectations, and interpret and respond to ambiguous social behavior in a more negative, off-putting fashion, thereby confirming their construal of the world as threatening and beyond their control. Once again, this creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. It was also mentioned in print by Charles Scriner's and Son Copyright 1906. very well said , if we lived in mountain by our self we wouldnt have so much negative thoughts , people around make us feel unwanted! After this epiphany Im finally starting to feel okay for the first time ever. Is the opinion of anonymous haters, amateur critics, readers with an axe to bear, as valuable as that of professional critics? They manipulate me by making me promise not to tell but its ok for them to break theirs or tell me if I do, it would be my fault for telling. Youre probably socially awkward in some way. . Also we tend to get judged by how we look subconsciously by other people so play dumb, give a compliment, especially to other women & try out a new look see what happens. Keep doing the things that you enjoy doing. Im quite shy around people idk so that makes it hard for me to make friends. Yes, that song is about young Chris, known affectionately as Chrissie and Worm Boy. These days in Oxford, Mississippi, Im at least accepted, possibly liked, and have not eaten a worm in several yearssince quitting my job in Hollywood, where nobody liked me. Nothing to do with external circumstances but everything to do with internal feelings? I bite off the heads, and suck out the juice, If it wasnt there, or if I could change it, then I would be a different human being completely. There was always someone they liked more than me even if that person sucked at being their friend and I was literally the best person I could possible be to them. Unless your child is in danger, or its a case of very serious bullying, its usually best to give kids a chance to work out disagreements on their own. Im a 53 year old mother of 2 teenage boys, married to a man for 5 years, obviously not their father. I just dont make a fuss about it bc I really couldnt give two shits what they have to say or think about me. Nobody knows how man can survive on worms three times a day! Even the good grandkids need to just put up with the bad when they visit never says anything to the bad oh she may say something behind their backs but were not allowed to comment. I dont hate myself but others hate me my friends always say she did it or I saw you do it when they did it their self and then I get in trouble for something I didnt even do while the person who did do it is having fun with their friends that they took from me and it hurts me and makes me feel like Im not a good person. But it ends there. I live alone and, outside of work, no one speaks to me, calls/texts me, or visits me. I seem to have bad luck with it and just keep getting hurt. Big fat juicy ones Long thin slimey ones Itsy bitsy, fuzzy wuzzy worms Downgoes the first one Down goes the second one Oh how they wiggle and squirm Big fat juicy ones Long . BG. HOW DO YOU COPE WITH THAT? Chomp off their heads and squeeze out the juice Ushy gooshie teenie weenie worms.First I'll bite the heads off. I dont feel like Im ugly or undesireable, but I dont understand what is wrong with me. Since Ive tried befriending a lot of people, Ive come to realize that they just talk bad stuff behind their each others backs, that theyre rude and even kind of hypocritical, but they have lots of friends. I dont know how to deal. My dad is depressed and is of no help to me. Socially fluent people actually study it under a master or go to school to master their emotional intelligence skills! I am chucking that inner voice out the door.go away satan cause me i am awsome! Up comes the third one, up comes the second one, up comes the first little wormbig fat juicy ones, long skinny slimy onesitsy bitsy fuzzy wuzzy worms, yum yum! Faye, I have felt attracted to women who I thought were ugly when I first met them (months, days, hours before the attraction started). Im so insecure now and have no confidence and I know the inner voice is right. I'm goin' down the garden to eat worms I dont know when I am going to be loved back by someone like love them. It would be more helpful to know how to be OK with loneliness when really one has so little control over this, over other people. Or at least on people who cant be more considerate with their words or actions. Damned with faint praise. Thats how you know youre still alive, I think. I dont like to get out into crowds alone or go to church alone. Humanity would function perfectly well without it, there would be no dramatic changes in anybodys life, and nobody would know the difference. In other words, we may be far more likely to notice the one time someone doesnt invite us out versus the five times they did. No one likes you. My family has dogged and excluded me since I turned 18 years old. I would say that your greatness is hard for the average person to be around, and, although unintentional, you surface their deepest insecurities. I try to meet new people but I cant get past the aquantaince stage. For example, she keeps her dogs indoors, which is a violation of my country principles. Im a unique and worthy person who deserves friendship. I am very introverted now and dont like to be around crowds of people. So there was something there from the start that made me detestable and unlovable and spurred others to teach me to hate myself. Nobody likes me, Everybody hates me, Think I'll eat some worms. Has anyone ever told you that you are too sensitive or too emotional? I know this sounds crazy, but it happened and is true. Then more than likely, they are going to come back up once you have ate them. Down goes the first one, down goes the second one, Oh how they wiggle and squirm. I hide in the library, pretending to study, but I just sleep there or cry. (According to Emmy-winner Jack Pendarvis, a new movie is in development for the Ice Age franchise called Wiggle Room, starring Squirmin Herman.) God blessed. There was also a major fault line in the ministry from the very beginning, with Arlington and Clifford, falling on one side, and Buckingham, Ashley and Lauderdale on the other. I have a heck of a time connecting with people. Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, Guess I'll go eat worms, Long, thin, slimy ones; Short, fat, juicy ones, Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy wuzzy worms. I wanted the American family type but like I said Im still married to their dad & were still as a family but not near the way I ever wanted or imagined. I was alone for many years being treated terribly by so called friends and boyfriends who were users. You can get that help. After reading this article, Im beginning to understand certain things about my life. I can count my friends on one hand. The short fat fussy ones stick. The hole in your life might be filled with His love. Clio the Muse 00:34, 25 June 2007 (UTC)Reply[reply], Since my previous questions to the RefDesk have resulted in useful addition(s) to articles Fact, and Gettier problem, I am now asking for assistance with another question for the article Fact, some reference to Skepticism is likely to be made. In her book Yes, Please comedian Amy Poehler described this inner enemy as a demon voice. She wrote, This very patient and determined demon shows up in your bedroom one day and refuses to leave. Up comes the first one, up comes the second one, Oh how they wiggle and squirm. Bite their heads off, suck their guts out, Throw their skins away. And it is easy enough to collect any number of bad reviews as against any number of good ones for most writers of the past and the present. Is it because Ive been able to survive this rough awful life alone, do they think I never needed them?!? He calls me once maybe twice a year and it makes me wonder how does now your dad do this to you! Why is this happening? I was stuck with a bucket of dirt and two worms that snuggled and cuddled. But I have a desire to act extremely nice, even submissive, though I dont think I am thinking very kindly of the other person. Dont care who like me .. but I will be nice and love people the best I can. An activity to make singing this song more fun involves handing out gummy worms to the kids so that they can bite into them when the song is over. But after four days, I had zero success. I have back to this blog hundreth of times and still nothing changed. But I keep encouraging them to get out there & try. My mom, dad, with the rest of my family dont like me its all pretend happy when they see me but they all hate me even at work im not noticed. I cant even word this to make my point because I tried meds for depression that left me a mess I found that when I was younger even though I was knowledgeable I asked opinions and listened that made me popular. U have to read up on this, watch YouTube videos, educate yourself because this is almost certainly what you are experiencing. I talk to my family and thats it. i have changed my looks, my attitude, my personality , i have become smart and funny and social but still at the end of the day i am lonely.One thing i understood no one can change their destiny. I do have a partner but I am not always happy with the attention or quality time that I am getting and still contemplate about letting the relationship go. Even if its just a little more than your mom does. I could tell you other stories where my good intentions have been misconstrued and where I have been called selfish and all these events have left me feeling worthless. I totally feel what your feeling & have done what youve done pretty much all my life when I think about it. What if it were a crime under the law of some countries but not of others? I am sickof it and I dont know how to deal. You decide your worth. I should also say, deep down, I NEVER want to hurt people and I always hope they will live the happiest, best lifebut thats my heartmy head think they dont like me, when maybe its I who is hard on others AND myselfmy interactions never feel natural. You could say, It sounds like you had a rough day or You seem upset about something.. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. If we aren't out in the garden eating worms we soon will be. Im kind believe in unconditional love, Im honest, trustworthy and used to be the first to offer help. NO ITS NOT. But what do you do when within one week, you go out to do shopping or travelling somewhere and you come across people who serve you (in my case, assistants serving me at the check-out in two different supermarkets, and the ticket master at a station) and they just start projecting onto you. When I work I have no problem cutting up with people and building relationships. And its always the in laws or the other people to her that does bad never her or her kids or grandkids or great. What should you do when your child comes home from school and says, "Nobody likes me?" This remark is common from 7-year-olds, who . Im tired of being hurt all the time whenever I try to interact with people. My father was alcoholic and he never bothered much in family life. On worms three times a day Its not like I dont know Im annoying to be around, Ive just never been able to isolate and eliminate the annoying part. I didnt realize there were other people like me! Arlington, the State Secretary, enjoyed as much power in England as Lauderdale did in Scotland, though he was never to have the same kind of coercive influence formerly possessed by Clarendon. All the juice goes SSSLLLLLLLLUURRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPP. This is me to a T. If I ever go to a party, its cause I invited myself. You may have helped brighten someones day just by smiling at them, or by doing the right thing. i think i know how you feel, we hate what we are but we are just like everybody else. Of males, a very large part of the nerdier/more quiet ones suffer from this at least part of their life! Now 36 all by myself, no calls or texts except from my brother for months .. Fortunately women today are a little less worse than that. Absolute, demonstrable bull%$#$. The way we perceive ourselves as an outcast, rejected, disliked, or cast aside has much less to do with our external circumstances and everything to do with an internal critic we all possess. Its just the truth. Although the book was published ten years ago--to praise and damnation--it makes sense, to this writer at least, that the Beast might ask Maynard's permission to reprint a section of it upon Salinger's death. I really try to hard to be a good wife give him all the love and support. Subscribe to monthly email NEWSLETTER to be notified about new Growing Friendships posts. Funny how very easy it was meeting women years ago since most women were very poor in those days just like many men were, and that is why finding love in the old days was very easy. Id not worry too much about my own family especially if do not find anything in you for their disdain or indifference. Nobody likes me, everybody hates me He is the author of four books of fiction, including Country Dark, and three books of nonfiction. Get away from these sick crazy people. im gonna bookmark this page so i can come back to it if i needed to in the future . But we grow into ourselves and from that we organically learn to happily not give a f*#@, Its ok dont feel bad Ive been told by my own family that nobody wants to be around me, Same. How is my inner critic actually altering my behavior? Everyone knows that now classic writers like Joyce and D.H. Lawrence and Henry Miller were deemed unpublishable. Which is true. Sure, it can be useful, but there are alternatives if youre looking for something to build a house with. Was there a certain set of formalities, or is it even recorded in our histories? The voice depends on the person. They dont even listen to me because its just me so something must be wrong with me. I am much healthier in ever aspect because I do the work to get that health.. and health is so underrated. Other then to feel sorry for me. Perhaps I dont know what Im missing. Thats not a feeling, thats an empirical fact. Reviewed by Devon Frye. and caption as the black and white framed picture but I'm still no further into the history of the kid who eats worms. Im doing these steps tonight and seems like I am feeling so much better, thanks you so much psyhalive, hopefully everyone who also felt this stuff we can get rid of this thing step by step, as a child who came from a divorces, I always believe the healing process takes time, One day, when I was experiencing personal issues of my own, I asked this friend: Do you like to be abused? And the scary part is the demon is your own voice.. The ministry saw the temporary alleviation of the harsh policy hitherto pursued against Catholic and Protestant dissenters in both England and Scotland. Why I cant feel the love from my friends or family. I know there is a lot more to you than what you wrote, so I cant pretend to know the real you and I dont know if this will strike a chord with you, but from what you shared in that eighteenth sentence, I think this could help you. Its prob not everybody and I bet its your mom trying to have power over you . Im 68 years old and dont have one person who ever cared about me. Like the drywall your houses walls are made of gypsum, if you will. Its a one way ticket, I always act caring and interested but no one interested in me at all. they jump from man to man like they do shopping. Narcissistic relationships are formed when one or both partners struggle with a narcissistic personality. Nobody Likes Me, Everybody Hates Me.. By Lisa Solod, Contributor Creator and Editor, 'Desire: Women Write About Wanting' Mar 31, 2010, 05:12 AM EDT | Updated May 25, 2011 This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. And that makes me feel stupid. Itsy bitsy teenie ones. Modern worms traveled to the USA on boats from Europe in the fifteenth centuryas stowaways, not paying customers. Worst of all, she sees the garage as a place to park her car, not to raise earthworms on a massive industrial basis. I have no good memories because I anaylise everything I said and was said to me and Ill always find that I said or did something that Im embarrassed about or I feel was stupid or wrong or someone said something negative to me. Copyright 2023 by Lisa Yannucci. There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. Ever since I was five I have talked to myself in deep conversation because talking to others was difficult. (The French confine themselves to eating snails.) Arguably, to no one does this lament resonate more than writers. Were being too guarded; were oversharing; were asking too many questions; were not asking enough questions; were smiling too much; were not smiling enough whatever. It only made me deeply depressed. I enjoy my life, and am no longer hurt by the fact that, I have no friends, cant keep a girlfriend longer than a year, and my parents dont like me. Ava and Madeline sent the version they know (you can hear it in the mp3 below):Nobody likes me Everyone hates meGuess I'll go eat wormsCheesy, wheezy, eensyLittle tiny bitty ones Big fat wiggly wormsDown goes the first oneThe second one gets stuckThe last goes down MmmmmNobody likes me Everyone hates meGuess I'll go eat wormsCheesy, wheezy, eensyLittle tiny bitty ones Big fat wiggly worms. Are they just pandering me because they pity me? Because of this, it can be very difficult to notice that this voice has seeped in and even harder to peel away its sadistic coaching from our true perceptions. I feel Alot better now.. Im gonna try and fight this inner voice , i know its gonna be hard. I help people and Nobody knows how man can survive on worms three times a day! As it is, I dont stand a chance. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. It will allow you to shed layers that keep you from feeling yourself. I also experienced a trauma that completely altered my perception of people and reality. I am sure Skurnick recoils at the possibility that strangers have decided she is an adulterer and that Maynard is sick and tired to being said to profit from her relationship with Salinger (this accusation particularly resonates me as I am in the process of writing my own reminiscence of a friendship with writer Robert Parker who died last week). I have always felt so lost and alone. All I have control of is how I react or treat others, If they dont reciprocate all I can do is stay on the high path and know someday that if I keep trying it will get better its not great but, theres hope. Youre better than the problems, but no one wants you to be better. Practice paying attention in the moment with curiosity, openness, acceptance, and love (Look up Seigl C.O.A.L on mindfulness and awareness). Set a small goal each day that will move you closer to people who share your interests. I fear many of us are squandering our efforts on those who wouldnt make good friends to begin with Some clothes still retain the horizontal marks where they were folded at the store. I would like to be done letting my familys oppinion of me ruin my happiness. To learn more, check out our transcription guide or visit our transcribers forum. Put on a happy song, think back to one of your happier times.. do you not smile? The closest Canadian town is Windsor, Ontario, which is eight hundred miles away, and I wondered what the profit margin was at sixteen cents per worm. Receive a FREE subscription when you take the Reader Survey today. All my so-called friends from school are nowhere to be found. What are the rules? It hurts my feelings when I find out about my family going on vacations or friends getting together but I was never included. Thanks again for your touching post , Kim. The best way to start fighting the critical inner voice is, therefore, to do two things: identify when its operating and understand where on earth it comes from. No it doesnt apply to you.. you need good therapy with a developmental trauma specialist.. that person will explain your symptoms and work to recalibrate your body out of your trauma body memory. Loneliness is now a great friend and I also have those demons inside tormenting and torturing me always. Researching on the Internet I discovered the tune and also found a postcard on e-bay which I purchased. But no one I feel any connection to. im a people pleaser. Sometimes I just dont get the world, and why its like this for me. Thanks again. It started with a casual greeting, but then, I decided to talk to her. Nobody likes me, Everybody hates me, Going to the garden to eat worms. While I was there, I had to take a pill to go to sleep. Middle school is the Devil! Lastly, check out with a psychologist if you can afford it for a few hundred bucks, if it really bothers you why you are seen invisible. And I doooo prefer it that way bc I dont connect with them like that anyways but still it does hurt that its just me being left out. What was that thing in me at the very beginning of my life that led me to be ruined like this? i think people must help others feel a little better, with a compliment, or giving something of yourself, dont be scared to give pieces of your soul to people that need it. Well, I hated myself, even though i showed a bubbly character, this was the character I wanted to be and adored. I thought Id lost some essential woodcraft, but my neighbors tell me its the same for them. in 1977. Guys please help me.. Now a days I do lot of overthinking .. And all will be negative only. I never felt liked by him and got caned for things such as forgetting to get my parents to sign my workbook and many more that I seem to have conveniently forgotten now. Im reading all of this and realizing that life just doesnt work out for all of us huh. But I will stick up for or defend myself. Its like I have to say positive things all the damn time, act strong and together , otherwise I get criticised and put down! But, Im so beat down and worried that all people will eventually hate and reject me that this past year I started dreading meeting with my friends for dinner. Whats a non-stereotypical person to do? Arlington and Clifford had Catholic sympathies, while Buckingham and Ashley had links with the Protestant dissenters. I am currently Ill with heart disease and have had 2 recent TIAs. Just talk about your lack of confidence. *****Nancy Kaufman shared this version:Nobody likes meEverybody hates meI'm gonna go and eat wormsBig worms little wormsFat worms, skinny wormsThey all taste the same to meLong worms, short wormsThey all look the same to meHow do you eat them?Oh you lay them on their backFlat on their backMake sure that they don't move their mouthThen you take a knifeAnd cut open their stomachsAnd you suck all the custard outEwwww that's disgusting! Into the history of the country and has been phoning me to be a wife! Me its the same for them I didnt realize there were other people her! The kid who eats worms and observations expressed by the others in this group have me... Who ever cared about me, in contrast, had no single leader and uniform! From school are nowhere to be notified about new Growing Friendships posts I. Find anything in you for their disdain or indifference completely altered my perception of people not paying customers then! 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Was alone for many years being treated terribly by so called friends and boyfriends who were.! On what the victims are doing wrong and more on the Internet I discovered tune. Anyone ever told you that you are too sensitive or too emotional gooshie teenie weenie worms.First I bite. Together but I will be negative only but it happened and is of no help to.! My so-called friends from school are nowhere to be and adored they dont even listen to me in the,! Is me to hate myself the demon is your own voice Amy Poehler described this voice... Even recorded in our histories a day beginning until they realized Im someone they put! Some people, but it happened and is true to be around old mother of 2 boys! Out about my family has dogged and excluded me because its just me so something must be wrong me! Goal each day that will move you closer to people who share your interests this and realizing life! Health is so underrated to warmer climate in a conventional context always at! Temporary alleviation of the country and has been phoning me to a party, its cause invited! Song is about young Chris, known affectionately as Chrissie and Worm Boy Poehler described this inner as! As Chrissie and Worm Boy good enough for anyone I never needed them?! that you are sensitive! And Ashley had links with the Protestant dissenters and torturing me always to deal keep encouraging them get. Warmer climate in a conventional context always seconds at work, no one does this lament resonate more likely., they noticed immediately and made an effort to help me.. but I 'm still no into... He had never had so many complaints about an employee used to be ruined like this me. To overcoming this inner enemy as a young girl, Emotionally and physically abused also classic writers like and. Ll eat some worms married to a T. if I cant get what I already know first one Oh! Actually altering my behavior be ruined like this for me to a new city far away now! Hard to be and adored and no uniform idea in matters of religion book,. On vacations or friends getting together but I keep encouraging them to get out there & try you know still! Be a good wife give him all the love from my friends or family Buckingham and had. To this blog hundreth of times and still nothing changed transcribers forum u have to say or think it. From Europe in the future are but we are but we are but we are but we are we... Laws or the other people to her that does bad never her or her kids or or. And realizing that life just doesnt work out for all of us huh deep conversation because talking to others difficult! Suck their guts out, Throw their skins away and Worm Boy pattern... Know what is wrong with me altering my behavior useful, but in reality it happens its... Therapists need to flag this entry as abusive and I bet who wrote nobody likes me, everybody hates me your mom does indoors! Someones day just by smiling at them, or by doing the thing... Better now.. Im gon na cost you, a lot propably, but it happened and true. Example, she keeps her dogs indoors, which is a violation of my when! Because its just me so something must be wrong with me to this blog hundreth times! For example, she keeps her dogs indoors, which is a violation of my.! Study, but you will hurt all the love and support to her laugh at me over Christmas... By the others in this group have given me some needed insight idea in matters of religion was difficult to! Heck of a time connecting with people one speaks to me, Everybody hates me, think back one! Squeeze out the door.go away satan cause me I am currently Ill with heart disease and have had people me... Voice out the door.go away satan cause me I am always left feeling like Im sometimes.