which of the following sentences best describes readability

Suddenly, he slammed the door shut and sprinted across the street. The hands cant hit what the eyes cant see. Muhammad Ali. Read the following example: Original sentences: Steve checked the computer system. Rebecca creates a very lengthy word processing document using a little-known software application. Looking at the example above, I would argue that semi-colons are perhaps not the most effective in helping the reader navigate their way through the document. To emphasize the subject in certain sentences, Naomi can invert the traditional sentence structure. Beginning: Conducting a survey among her friends, Amanda found that few were happy in their jobs. Now, the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is dropped by 14.3 points to a much more reasonable 14.1. They anticipate words and fill them in. In this example, the main idea is that Steve discovered a virus, not that he checked the computer system. Its not abd like Jk said its ADB like a million people have said before. Determine whether the underlined verbs are in the active or passive voice. Ignore them. Or you can use simple sentence structure as much as possible. Writing in a simple and clear style makes it easier for the reader to understand your message. Baby sharks are called pups. What is the purpose of inserting SmartArt in a Microsoft Office program? Spoke Mandarin at school III. Think of yourwritten work like a puzzle. Martin is asked by his manager to prepare a report on the three best digital campaigns the company ran the previous month. It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. Its waylonger than it needs to be. Thank you so much to all who helped. Your job as a writer is to connect with readers. A D B!!! Below is a segment from the Walt Disney Privacy Policy under the heading sharing personal information with other companies. The car screeched to a halt just a few inches away from the young boy. 5-D It can be fulfilling solving that puzzle, but most readers wont see itthat way. See Answer You can load up your writing withhugerun-on sentences, use complex language, strange phrases and foreign words to make your puzzle a little more difficult. If youre writing nonfiction, consider using subheadings generously throughout your work. The physical design of letters, numbers, and other text characters. A modifier is a word or phrase that qualifies the meaning of another element in the sentence. One technique you can use so as to avoid beginning a sentence with the subject is to use an adverb. Change the punctuation and capitalization as necessary. Which of the following words best describes. 2.D the Sphere of Influence gives a nation exclusive trade rights in a particular region of China.. Let understand that "Spheres of Influence" in China refers to when various European nations had control over numbers of Chinese ports and as well as the trade in the region while disregarding the rights of the Chinese people.Countries which included Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Japan carved . Read the following sentences describing appropriate Sabbath activities, and help the children choose the picture that shows each activity. Readability is the receiver's responsibility to read quickly. were so glad you found it helpful. She sees the flaws in marriage and her relationship. Who is most likely to use a snare at work-a beautician, a doctor, or a dogcatcher? 100% It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. A D B!!! It's adb final I swear the teachers change them around every year that's why adb, ADB anon is incorrect the right answers are A,D,B, Ugh I failed because there's so many different answers, A All Rights Reserved. Readability is determined by the receivers IQ. It's A, D, B don't listen to the other answers. Reading aloud sometimes helps detect unclear and wordy sentences. . Then, as she writes, she labors over each sentence, pausing to choose just the right word. Use a comma to separate the modifier from the subject of the sentence. To connect two sentences using a relative clause, substitute the subject of one of the sentences (he) for a relative pronoun (who). The three words good, better, and best are examples of the three forms of an adjective or adverb : positive, comparative, and superlative. just made 100% all of u guys are right!!! Many bestselling authors and entrepreneurs have paid thousands of dollars to work with media training experts just to come upwith a few useful soundbites for promoting their books or brands. I got a 33.3 the answers are not a b d, lol yes End: Maria filed the final report, meeting her deadline. Which of the following sentences best describes the Progressive Era? negative public image. Which of the following sentences is most effective? A readability score can tell you roughly what level of education someone will need to be able to read a piece of text easily. As of 2/20/2019 At 25 words, sentences become difficult, and 29 words or longer, very difficult. Just as a meal might lack the finishing touches needed to spice it up, so too might a paragraph contain all the basic components but still lack the stylistic finesse required to engage a reader. Its not enough for your writing to have all the information your readers needs! Here is a thought, instead of having two sides of this, how about we just give the answers with and explanation of why those are the answers A D B!!! A heading that guides readers to think in a certain way about a topic is referred to as a(n) ________. We recommend aiming for a reading age of between age 9 and 15. A D B!!! With increasing limelight on privacy policies, some corporations have tried to make sure their policies are reader-friendly. Use the context of the sentences and what you know bout the Latin prefix super- to explain your answer to each question. Sentence variety reduces repetition in a piece of writing and adds emphasis to important points in the text. The following is a sentence from an email written by a customer to a company that manufactures confectionary goods: "The cookies that your company manufactures are powdery, have too much sugar, and they are very expensive cookies." Disclaimer: TCK Publishing and its website, TCKPublishing.com, provides information on writing, publishing, books, and advice to help you live a better and more successful life. A D B!!! Chapter 11: Writing from Research: What Will I Learn? A) it ensures that everyone follows treaties B) it maintains good relations and keeps discussions open*** C) it mediates conflicts and supports international. ________ express two or more similar ideas using dissimilar construction. This section examines how to connect ideas across several sentences in order to increase sentence variety and improve writing. (1 point) It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. If your work is too hard to read for your audience, they wont engage. H 0: Minimum sentence length on the web will not be appropriate for screen reader users in terms of subjective workload. 250 Things You Should Know About Writing by Chuck Wendig is a great example of an author getting his message across with plenty of humor along they way (its also a great book for any writer wanting to up their game). A Punctuation failures are funny. Unselected answer (0 pts) SmartArt allows you to search for photographs using the Microsoft Office database. Why fix what isnt broken? At this point in time, your account is up-to-date. d. the Specie Circular order. Readability matters. A comma indicates that the reader should pause briefly, which creates a useful rhetorical device. Dont let that be you in ten years. You will notice that the subject is positioned at the beginning of each sentenceJohn and Amanda, the car, students. Estate Office, In my experience, using big words feels good. The use of short sentences in messages is useful for __________. Best describe readability? Which of the following sentences best describes the Progressive Era? Using transitions that connect the ideas in the paragraphs of a message. 2. The soundbites youre probably most familiar with are slogans: Youve probably already memorized hundreds if not thousands of soundbites and slogans like these. Which of the following bets describes the Progressive Era? c. long lead-in. accomplish the intended purpose of the message. quickly. You can add an ing modifier to the beginning or the end of a sentence, depending on which fits best. and sentence structure. If your writing scores below a 50, youre probably losing or confusing a good portionof your readers. In the following example, an ing modifier indicates that two actions are occurring at the same time: Noticing the police car, she shifted gears and slowed down. For our example, institutions, applicable, prohibited, information, and delivery were identified as the longest words by syllable count with institutions as the longest word by letter count. If you have to use a complex or strange word you know many of your readers will not understand, you need to define that word for your reader immediately (usually either in that same sentence or the next sentence). Providing subheadings allows them to absorb more information more quickly. B Once you start to study soundbites, it will activate the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and youll start to see them everywhere (just like when you buy a new carand youstart to see that samecarmodel everywhere you go). This is a very memorable soundbite, but personally Im not a fan of it. Using a mixture of different sentence structures reduces repetition and adds emphasis to important points in the text. Youll see soundbites all over the political sceneas well. the company and that the receptionist creates a positive or Lets say youre writing a novel set in a strange universe where people use a form of currency called Onga (yes, I know its a strangename. Using pictures, graphs, charts or other visual elements can help your reader better absorb and retain the information youre trying to share. Bathroom facilities are across the hall to the left of the water cooler. Readability scores measure factors like sentence length and word familiarity. Effective writers often implement the rule of three, which is basically the thought that things that contain three elements are more memorable and more satisfying to readers than any other number. Readability is related to the level of complex ideas presented in a document. In the section taken from Disney, there are only two sentences, giving a Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level of 25.7. Here we will work through 5 steps which should help you make your text more easily understood. This aids structuring by helping you think about what the reader needs to know first, and what the focus of the article should be. Some options will define a structural flaw and may or may not suggest a way of fixing the problem. Experienced writers incorporate sentence variety into their writing by varying sentence style and structure. Readability is the key to engaging content that boosts your SEO rankings, increases engagement and improves conversion rate. These combined factors help assess how well your writing will be understood. Buy, renew or manage your licenses in our store. Which strategies will make your writing more concise and to the Which of the following improves the clarity of a message? By being really strict about your message(s) and the bare bones of background information required for engaging with those messages, you then have criteria for what to keep and what to cut. Continue with Recommended Cookies. 4. Here are some great ways to get you thinking of ideas for your own memorable media soundbites that will help your message stand out from the crowd and be remembered: Use Similes, Metaphors or Analogies:Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Correct answer (1 pt) It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. Which of the following types of margins can accommodate the most text in a given space? 2. These include: All of the help you work out where to focus your attention when it comes to shortening content. To use this method, one of the sentences must contain a form of be as a helping verb in addition to the ed verb form. Tweaked Clichs: Money doesnt grow on trees, but it does grow faster in credit unions without those greedy big-bank fees.. Making a few tweaks toaclich can be an excellent way to create a very memorable soundbite. Less than 40 and most university-educated folkswont understand what you wrote. It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. So many first-time authors make the mistake of writing in the passive voice. At ProWritingAid, we use the Flesch formulas, which score your work from 0.0 to 100.0. many ways, it is true that the receptionist is the public face of You should strive instead to use a few words to say a lot. It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. Adapting your message to be well received includes using simple, By using clear, uncomplicated language, you can help your readers engage with your document and let your great ideas shine. First, lets talk about why readability is so important and why it should be a top priority for any writer. The Anwsers are This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). Which of the following is most likely to improve the readability of a message? Which of the following best describes a descriptive heading? Its a lot of work without much reward. To connect two sentences using an ing modifier, add ing to one of the verbs in the sentences (checking) and delete the subject (Steve). quickly. d. flabby expression. Not all prepositional phrases can be placed at the beginning of a sentence. These themes include love, hate, jealousy, death, and destiny. Correct answer (1 pt) SmartArt offers different ways of visually presenting information, using shapes arranged in different formations. Read the following examples: Original sentences: The managing director is visiting the company next week. An adverb is a word that describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb and often ends in ly. The preposition underneath relates to the object that follows the prepositionthe table. Illegal: DAB. O Readability is Improved by the use of expert language and jargon. Writers should not proofread immediately after finishing the document. Uses passive voice to convey negative ideas, Includes a pleasant statement in the same sentence. Now lets try and bring these scores down a bit. Notice how they add additional information to the text and provide a sense of flow to the essay, making it less choppy and more pleasurable to read. Take a look at the way Naomi uses appositives to include additional facts in her essay. I have helped increase funding for local schools. I was all out of Onga (the Ongs form of digital money). The following is a sentence from an email from an administrative professional to a manager: "We usually undertake the verification of all documents at least once every month." If the relative clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence, it does not require commas around it. If you weretrying to protect Bob or downplay the significance of the event, you might say, The apple? Jogging across the parking lot, I felt my breath grow ragged and shallow. d. flabby expression. What steps can you take to improve readability and bring that score down? Why do magazines, newspapers, and books often use justified margin type? You can also use the "list" style (as mentioned above) to emphasize main ideas in sequential order. In fact, some politicians seem like the only things they know how to say are prepared soundbites for the masses (The Republican debate where Chris Christie called out Marco Rubio on constantly repeating memorized lines comes to mind). It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. My colleagues remain unconvinced about the proposed merger. (Sorry for your lost brain cell. A grammar guru, style editor, and writing mentor in one package. Its hard to overcome our own bodys inner reward system, but we have to be rigorous with our writing if we want to get to the top of our field and stay there. ReadablePro identifies both of these for you. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. D) measure the implementation and results against predetermined benchmarks. Select the BEST option that describes the sentence. Unselected answer (0 pts) SmartArt enhances images and photographs by accenting them with colors and shading. Adjectives may be placed between the preposition and the object in a prepositional phrase. Unselected answer (0 pts) SmartArt enhances images and photographs by accenting them with colors and shading. Underage drinking typically results from peer pressure and lack of parental attention. It is a heading that simply identifies a topic. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. But, to replace these terms would actually change the meaning of the text. May it rest in piece.). But can a simple number really tell you how good your writing is? 2. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? Jeff snatched at the bread hungrily, polishing off three slices in under a minute. Write and revise sentence structure at the beginning of sentences. The final score is 3/3 (100%). A readability score is a measure of how easy your text is to read. Otherwise, you risk ostracising your reader. 3. This is possibly one of the greatest political soundbites of all time. While I am unable to approve your request for a new computer, I Were so glad you found the courses and this post helpful, Ken! Well-organized writing saves the reader a lot of time and energy. Dont listen to youre welcome, I swear ADB is correct I got 3/3. Readability is related to the level of complex ideas presented in a document. You should too. Or we can just correct each other to were it isnt cheating at all, 1. If your audience is very broad then avoid including any specialist jargon or acronyms. To do that, your readers must understand the words you use. Another great book for coming up with great slogans, soundbites and marketing messages for your business is POP! Which of the following sentences best describes Mrs. Mallard's revelation in the story? Readability is affected by the choices you make in design, word, and sentence structure. The first passage tells the story of the Kiowa people to achieve an instructional tone, but the second passage uses personal experience to achieve a reflective tone. Mitch Bancroft is a famous writer. Dang it! 3. D Tom Corson-Knowles is the founder of TCK Publishing, and the bestselling author of 27 books including Secrets of the Six-Figure author. Unselected answer (0 pts) SmartArt helps you create charts and graphs based on data you enter. language, and then answer the question. If you can get your reader to laugh, theyre a lot more likely to stick with you for the long haul. B) set qualitative goals. Reviewing and rewriting the beginning of sentences is a good way of introducing sentence variety into your writing. This great quote from Ali makes excellent use of simile and rhyme to make it even more memorable. Revised sentence: The managing director, who lives in Seattle, is visiting the company next week. Make all corrections on the sentences below . receive your message, the more likely it is that you will Copy the following sentences and underline the verb or verbs in each one. Multiple Choice The first step in measuring the effectiveness of event sponsorship is to: A) narrowly define the objectives for the event with specific details. A heading that simply identifies a topic is called a(n) ________. Prewriting helps you organize your ideas. In simple terms, a readability score predicts whether your reader will understand your writing. Chapter 2: Writing Basics: What Makes a Good Sentence? More happy readers = More impact and more money. To ascertain the effect of a hearing problem, read the following sentence out loud: Jo--ua -aw the -mo-- on to- of Moun- -inai. Readability is the receiver's responsibility to read quickly. It is possible they used a metal trolley to move the stolen goods, which was abandoned outside the building. Company: #8026399 D In addition to varying sentence structure, consider varying the types of sentences you are using in a report or other workplace document. For comparison,Readers Digest magazine scores around65, Time magazine scores 52and articles from the Harvard Law Review usually have a readability score in the low 30s (which is one of the reasons I never read the Harvard Law Review). Which of the following is true of the sentence? This is a big mistake. Your email address will not be published. What does the reader need to know before they can engage with your messages? Solemnly, the policeman approached the mayor and placed him under arrest. Thank you, Youre very welcome, Arlene! In the revised sentence, the Colonel is an appositive because it renames Harland Sanders. just got 100% BOIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! Experienced writers often include more than one prepositional phrase in a sentence; however, it is important not to overload your writing. Following this is a list of bullet points including the segment below. Relative clauses are a useful way of providing additional, nonessential information in a sentence. Many new authors just write as if the reader obviously knows whatOnga are (trust me, they dont). 1. Readability depends on a texts presentation (such as font choice, spacing or colors) and context (the words and sentences on the page). At 6:45 a.m., my train leaves the station. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Note that an adverb used at the beginning of a sentence is usually followed by a comma. It can help to think of things in sequential order. Why is "of the" in the phrase "some of the" unnecessary? Readability is all about how easy or difficult it is to read something. It was a period of civil war and the end of slavery. Sometimes, you'll need to use long sentences to explain a complex idea. Data Analysis. Which of the following best describes an informative heading? ADB is right!!! 4.an idea or conclusion based on text evidence and reasoning. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. b. redundancy. In the United Kingdom, researchers recommend that writers write with vocabulary and sentence structure targeted towards 9-10 year olds. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? A D B!!! Iowa, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine all permit same-sex marriage. b. The right answers are A, D, and B, WED,SEP !% Barking loudly, the dog ran across the driveway. A D B!!! Therefore, I recommend always writing in the active voice unless you have a very good reason to mix things up and kill a few brain cells. is correct those other people are lying. Created with Fabric.js 4.6.0 Practice More Questions. It is then sold to chocolate-processing companies at the Coffee, Sugar, and Cocoa Exchange. He lives in Seattle. Most literary agents Ive talked to will stop reading a submission if they notice more than a handful ofsentences in the passive voice. Readability is affected by the choices you make in design, word, If your readability score is poor, heres what you can do: Look for complicated words that you can replace with simpler ones. Itsa grammar, spelling and readability checker that helps everyone in your organization to create internal and external content thats easy to understand. Thank you guys for helping me. I just made it up). Another great article for writers. Which sentence best describes the contrast principle and why it is important? Chapter 9: Writing Essays: From Start to Finish. Sentence variety can be introduced to the beginning of sentences by starting a sentence with an adverb, starting a sentence with a prepositional phrase, or by inverting the subject and verb. Determine the writer's intent of the message. Take another look at Naomis essay on the government bailout. It must be two to three sentences long and explain your employment goal, skills, and qualifications. A D B!!! Unlike relative clauses, appositives are always punctuated by a comma or a set commas. And most people don't realize that at least one in ten visitors to a website will be dyslexic. DO ADB ITS CORRECT DONT LISTEN TO THE LIARS WHO DID ABD. Students rarely come to the exam adequately prepared. A D B!!! The Flesch reading ease test measures the readability of a text. "The award ceremony was held last week because very few employees were on leave.". Civil War Era, New South Era, Antebellum Era, Reconstruction Era, Bourbon Triumvirate Era, Progressive Era, Populist Era My answer- Antebellum, Civil War, When will the tickets go on sale? It uses two variables to determine the readability score: Then, it gives you a score between 0 and 100. A relative clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb and describes a noun. Many amateur writers think they need to use complicated language to impress their readers. String together all those ideas with enough simple sentences and youll be amazed how great your writing can become without trying to be fancy. / Accent Reduction / Accent Neutralization / Reductions / Linking / Improve Your American English Pronunciation / Improve Your Pronunciaton / Accent Training Audio Files / sound natural when I speak / accent modification / Works on iPad and some other mobile devices. So do yourself and your readers a favor: always use shorter words when possible to make your point. A D B!!! I made up a few soundbites of my own to help explain the importance of readability in your writing: Using big words wont earn you big royalty checks., Its better to use short words and be understood than to use big words that go over your readers head., If kids cant read it, most adults wont.. Isnt that great? Dont take a chance on an unknown contender; vote for the proven success. Think about the story that you want to tell. What are the key messages? If youve evertried building something with poorly-organized instruction manual, you know how frustrating poorly organized writing can be. The well-dressed stranger stumbled through the doorway. Rewrite the following sentences, using apostrophes correctly. If I came up to you and asked, Hey, whered my apple go? you would never say the apple was eaten by Bob. You would simply say, Bob ate the apple.. Skilled communicators use the passive voice to asked by norna March 30, 2014 1. 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