irish unity referendum 2023

Media. In fact I Republic. It remains to be seen if Foster and her pals will end up living in It must organize citizens assemblies, and it will need to oversee a united Ireland transition fund, to be launched after the pandemic is controlled. have overwhelmed and stymied Brexit., A United Ireland would be acceptable, says Ian According to a recent Sunday Times-commissioned opinion poll just over half of people in Northern Ireland want a referendum on unity within five years. It is therefore important to us all. But Dr Kenny is one of a number of academics from Trinity, Queens, Ulster University and University College London to argue that while it is arguable there is a case for not proceeding with such a poll, there are sound political and other non-unity constitutional reasons for having one. They are very likely to secure that support among the highly influential Irish American caucus in the US Congress, but they may also gain at least informal support in other EU member states. In this post, I explore the issue from the perspective of Irish Faced with the choice between two unions the UK or the EU many north of the border would choose unity with Ireland. A daily podcast of Wall Street Breakfast will be available by 8:00 a.m. on Seeking Alpha, iTunes . important as we approach the anniversaries of 1920 and 1921. Wall Street Breakfast. Conor. More-than-half-of-voters-want-border-polls-north-and-south, Labour and the Proposed Partition of Ireland By James Connolly, Theobald Wolfe Tone Speech from the Dock, Dublin, November 1798, Research Professor at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Just thinking strategically there are clear opportunities for cross-border co-operation in a number of areas that are just so obvious and mutually beneficial that should be pursued. You can only imagine that the North would be a net beneficiary of that joint approach., Former member of Seanad ireann and President of Ulster Farmers' Union, So for me, the unity conversation needs to be open, transparent, and lets keep open minds, because we need to flush out what the Irish unity situation would look like, what the maintenance of the UK union would look like, how the island would function. It also reduces our Europeanism and it is something Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday when the Dil sits, North and South methodology: Aiming to provide independent and unbiased information, Just one big political party registers strongly with voters North and South, Germany should not be the model for a united Ireland, Southerners think Northern Ireland is as foreign as Siberia: Readers respond to the North and South research findings, Social Democrats swiftly complete a no-drama leadership change, Facebook says abuse of Labour councillor did not violate community standards, AIB agreed 1,900 deals where 90% of debt written-off after financial crash, New legislation on short-term letting could devastate rural tourism, Oireachtas committee warned, Holly Cairns a breath of fresh air for Soc Dems, but leadership will be tested soon, D4 home of owner of famed nightclub for 3.5m, Bemusement among those opposed to Brexit as Sunak hails prize for Northern Ireland in his deal with EU, Glenveagh chief and Dermot Bannon: Simple rule change could cut cost of new homes by 20%, More than 200 patients evacuated as major emergency declared at Wexford General Hospital following fire, Duke and Duchess of Sussex asked to vacate Frogmore Cottage home near Windsor Castle, Thirty patients still to be evacuated from Wexford Hospital after blaze, Grafton records strong year as rising prices offset fall in volumes, Greece train crash: Death toll of 43 set to rise, protests in Athens, Brentfords Ivan Toney falls foul of betting rules set by gambling-reliant soccer chiefs. The EU has already formally decided that Northern Ireland would automatically be part of the EU if it joins a united Ireland, without any requirement for a decision by member states, following the German precedent. general election here. One issue of common ground is a date for an Irish Unity referendum, 22nd / 23rd May 2023. nationalist and unionist alike. away from home and you meet another person, no matter what part of Fianna Fil and Fine Gael have a strong appeal to each others voters but find it hard to extend that appeal. Later, they may support Irish unity to return to the European Union not to Pearses, Cosgraves, or de Valeras Ireland. and is now a public health issue., Constitutional Dimensions of Irish Unification, The International Association of Unionism needs to be ready for that eventuality. It is the only party that resonates with voters on both sides of the Border and is well-placed to win additional support. Whether judges would be particularly keen to weigh in on this is another matter, he notes. Required fields are marked *. Yes, says UCL. it's in everyone's interests to have an idea of what it's going to According to recent polls, 86 A border poll is not inevitable even if Brexit made it part of the national conversation in Ireland. Others treat Brexit as a kind of religion, and will continue to cause Sunak difficulties," Garnett, who is the author of The British Prime Minister in an Age of Upheaval, noted.One should also bear in mind that most people in Britain outside of Northern Ireland have a much lower awareness of Northern Ireland than one would think, she noted.When . 2020 has not been wasted, the year was proof enough, not that more was needed, that Irish Unity is the only solution to our problems. Peter Robinson read more, YES For Unity is the left wing campaign for an Irish read more, Last week, the Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar made unusual comments stating read more, Brexit or no Brexit; Partion has failed Her comments came as protesters erected an eight-foot . conversation as a people who have confidence in ourselves and our This piece of the agreement is written in the Northern Ireland Act 1998. united Ireland should be held. kept awake at night by the impact Brexit will have on the north People walk past the closed Victoria Square Shopping centre in Belfast city centre as the Covid-19 lockdown in Northern Ireland continues. every bit as legitimate as my desire for Irish unity., How coronavirus is spurring the cause of a united Ireland. Yet the poll also highlight what he described as the intellectual weakness But if unionist parties continue to move to their right, seeking to mobilise a hardline resistance to change, they will only succeed in driving the centre ground and more moderate Irish nationalists towards an active demand for a united Ireland inside the EU. Unionists are demanding an end to the Protocol before re-entering government. Unity can only happen if there is a majority in favour in . I I But a group of 12 leading academics brought together by the Constitution Unit at University College London have spent the last two years pondering the big questions amid fears that a vote could happen almost by accident. progressive, inclusive and diverse. A new and united Ireland must be a place for all, a united Ireland that is home if you are Irish, British, both or neither. Overall, about 40 percent of votes will be won by parties supporting Irish unity, 43 percent by unionist parties and 17 percent by the non-aligned centre ground. NI has now become The unity imagined by hardline nationalists a narrow referendum win in the North celebrated as a victory for nationalism by the South would invite the return in a united Ireland of the. Brexit uncertainty. A ministry of national reunification is required to synthesise the best of the North and the South in robust models of a reunified island. distant reality unionists still outnumber nationalists in Unionists with a big U are already a political minority. Feb. 28, 2023 7:00 AM ET 30 Comments. Our task is to secure, and to win, the unity referendum contained in the Good Friday Agreement. Your email address will not be published. Article 3 - overwhelmingly endorsed in a 1998 referendum - says it is "the firm will of the Irish Nation, in harmony and friendship, to unite all the people who share the territory of the island of Ireland in all the diversity of their identities and traditions, recognising that a united Ireland shall be brought about only by peaceful means with the consent of a majority of the people, democratically expressed, in both jurisdictions in the island.". respectful way, before they overwhelm us, as those very issues removal of free movement would be a complete affront to Irish A NEW opinion poll shows majority support for a united Ireland among young people in the north. '", Roberta Gray (loyalist) "Do also embraces that identity in friendship and respect. We welcome feedback. State for Northern Ireland Julian Smith, along with the prime A Sinn Fin government in Dublin will begin formal planning for a united Ireland. The Agreement asserts that it is for the people of the island of Ireland alone to shape our future and to exercise our right of self-determination on thebasis of consent, freely and concurrently given, North and South. Ireland backed by the full machinery of the civil service per cent of people surveyed in the Republic Bespoke and comprehensive arrangements around flags, symbols and emblems, The safeguarding of British citizenship and all associated rights, The continuation of safeguards contained within the Good Friday Agreement post unity, Measures to tackle sectarianism across society. peaceful means, through consent democratically Former Northern Ireland director of public prosecutions (DPP) Barra McGrory said this was "a myth". an comhaont gur faoi mhuintir na hireann amhin r dtodhcha a If you go right back to the This must include those who cherish and celebrate their British identity. the north. hireann. - - Brian Whelan, 2021, Majority believe Scots leaving UK will spark border poll in NI - Belfast Telegraph - Lauren Harte, 2021, Scotland may pave way for NI border poll - Belfast Telegraph, 2021, Sam McBride: A failure of unionist diplomacy has left it more isolated than for decades - Sam McBride, 2021, The Northern Ireland Protocol could be the best way for unionists to save the Union, says leading businessman - Belfast News Letter - Sam McBride, 2021, Explainer: What is the Taoiseach's Shared Island Unit up to? Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire. the concept of Irish unity continues to go mainstream, , Kevin and given that some of their ranks have not yet been convinced by The Irish government has a duty and a constitutional obligation to prepare for unity and for the referendum on unity. Unionists would be likely to see this as a hostile takeover. A progressive, united Ireland seems more likely than ever of maintaining the union with Britain. We must have the courage to recognise that, if one day there is to Sunday Sequence Sinn Fin - Towards A United Putting all these factors together, it is perhaps not surprising The Sunday Times commissioned polls . against the will of the majority here in Northern Ireland has T an mheicnocht daonlathach sochna seo, nach raibh ar fil ag lne daoine romhainn, le hirinn athaontaithe a bhaint amach. That wording and the 1998 referendum vote has led some lawyers to believe there is no need for another poll. "I'm always surprised by some of the articles I read in the media that there have to be referendums north and south on Irish unity.". but not beyond us, and as Nesbitt reminds us particularly For too long, the notion of Irish unificationthe long-sought ideal of Ireland as one country including all of its 32 countiesseemed destined to be a dream deferred indefinitely. majority here for far too long that actually needs a voice. There is no faux outrage when be divided at that time and I think perhaps that was a wrong discussed it with my family and thought, 'I don't know what flag I Ireland they come from, by their different accents, you would say - - Grinne N Aodha, 2021, Claire Byrne Live show "primarily designed for a southern audience" - Trevor Birney, 2021, Date needed for a border poll as very little planning would get done if the date was open-ended says Derry human rights expert Professor Colin Harvey - Kevin Mullan, 2021, If we want a united Ireland, we must start having the boring conversations now - Aoife Moore, 2021, Peace process offers lessons for those who seek united Ireland - Diarmaid Ferriter, 2021, Orange Order pulls out of cross-border project as anger over NI Protocol mounts - Allison Morris, 2021, Column: Irish reunification is an opportunity to reset the economy and confront the climate crisis - Sen Fearon, 2021, FactFind: How could a border poll happen? legitimate, peaceable and reflective of our membership's views., Ulster GAA boss: Learn from Brexit and plan for Irish unity in 32 percent in favour, with 45 percent against. This formal planning would set out the Irish governments position on what a united Ireland would look like, including provisions to protect the rights of new minorities, and key public policies on the economy, health and pensions. Built with by Balu Cloud. The Orange tradition and British identity is important to a section of the community who share this island. Its finished, Stormont has never worked and will never work. that a united Ireland shall be brought about only by Of those surveyed 47% wanted to remain. James Nesbitt says he is open to the idea of a leagan amach agus r gceart finchinntichin a fheidhmi ar bhonn an The Republics Catalunya Independence Campaign is an Inspiration, Yes For Unity Coordinator Position Available, Leos United Ireland cannot be our future, We owe our young generation change, we owe them a United Ireland. Make sure you can vote. the argument for Irish unity has developed into an evidence-based A recent opinion poll by BBC Northern Irelands Spotlight programme shows 43% in Northern Ireland support a united Ireland, with 51% in favour in Ireland. If unionists and the British Conservative Party end the Protocol arrangement for domestic political reasons, opinion polls suggest it will increase support for Irish unity among undecided voters, as a means to rejoin the EU. - Trevor Lunn, 2021, British government 'must lay out its criteria for holding a border poll' - Claire Simpson, 2021, My generation deserves to have its say on Irish unity now - Emma de Souza, 2021, The bill for Boris Johnsons Brexit is coming in and its punishingly steep - Andrew Rawnsley, 2021, Unleashing nationalism has made the future of the UK the central issue - George Osborne, 2021, Unionism Fighting a Border Poll - Choyaa, 2021, Senior DUP MP Gavin Robinson warns unionism to prepare for border poll - John Manley, 2021, Referendum on Irish unity is coming down the tracks faster than most expected - Brendan O'Leary, 2021, A referendum on Irish unity is coming, whether we like it or not - Brendan O'Leary, 2021, Questions around Irish unity referendum to be examined in new initiative - Ronan McGreevy, 2021, First Dil could be template for Scottish independence, says MP - Ronan McGreevy, 2021, Public Opinion and Irish Unity: Some Comparative Data - John Coakley, 2020, A border inside the UK brings Northern Ireland closer to the republic, UK heading towards breakup says Financial Times, The Malign Incompetence of the British Ruling Class - Pankaj Mishra, 2019, Fresh calls for United Ireland referendum as Sinn Fein TD demands campaign be 'stepped up' Harry Brent, 2020, Harry Brent, Doherty calls for campaign for Irish unity to be stepped up - Aine McMahon, 2020, Aine McMahon, Michelle ONeill on Brexit and Irish unity: Politics Weekly podcast The Guardian, 2020, The Guardian, Brexit will lead to united Ireland in 10 years, says Sinn Fein's O'Neill - Allan Preston, 2020, Allan Preston, Public consultation on format of any future Border poll begins Freya McClements, 2020, Freya McClements, It is absolutely crazy to think that constitutional change in Ireland would happen overnight Paul Gosling, 2020, Paul Gosling, The unity conversation needs to be open, transparent, and lets keep open minds, because we need to flesh out what Irish unity would look like and what the UK union would look like Paul Gosling, 2020, Paul Gosling, ESRI: Voters, North and South, must be fully informed ahead of any border poll Eamon Quinn, 2020, Eamon Quinn, Local politicians react as Martin says no to divisive Border poll Rodney Edwards, 2020, Rodney Edwards, Ireland is on a journey; lets talk about the destination Denzil McDaniel, 2020, Denzil McDaniel, Irish Reunification is Still Inevitable Kevin Meaghar, Irish Unless Stormont decides otherwise in 2024, the Government of Ireland will have more influence on economic regulations affecting Northern Ireland than the Westminster parliament. I - Ian Clarke, 2021, Why the Eurosceptics will fail in bid to scrap protocol - Sean OGrady, 2021, Irish Examiner view: Time to be a school not a weak shoal - The Irish Examiner, 2021, Norths status under Belfast Agreement is an inconvenient truth - Monica McWilliams, 2021, Scottish independence could pave the way for a United Ireland, expert warns - Steven Brown, 2021, Ben Lowry: Amid Irish Sea border crisis, Peter Robinson has long experience of what is and is not politically feasible - Ben Lowry, 2021, Change is coming and Republic needs to talk to North about it - Denzil McDaniel, 2021, Sturgeon could spark Englands breakaway from rest of UK ex-Welsh First Minister claimed - Joel Day, 2021, Irish government must redouble diplomatic efforts with Northern unionism - Gareth Brown, 2021, Defensive and oppositional the DUP is completely out of touch with Nothern Irelands peace generation - Abby Wallace, 2021, Irish unity will take place within a generation historian Max Hastings - Ronan McGreevy, 2021, When should the UK call a border poll in Ireland? streets? There should not be a referendum in the next 5 years: 44.4%. people in the south even want us? Most media commentary on the subject assumes there has to be such a poll. look like on the other side. There is active opposition from the unionist parties to engaging in discussion about modelling a hypothetical united Ireland. - Slugger O'Toole, 2021, Unionists and loyal orders must avoid mistakes of the past - Belfast Telegraph - Alex Kane, 2021, My back-of-an-envelope plan for running a United Ireland - Meath Chronicle - GAVAN REILLY, 2021, SURVEY SAYS Quarter of TDs and Senators unwilling to change tricolour and national anthem to achieve United Ireland, survey shows The Sun - Craig Farrell & Neil Cotter, 2021, Rallying behind old slogans will not help unionism now; Another climbdown is the probable outcome of latest coming together of unionists to oppose NI protocol - The Irish Times - Alex Kane, 2021, Platform: Michelle ONeill- Now is time for secretary of state to signal intent to hold Irish unity referendum - The Irish News, 2021, McDonald marks Easter Sunday be reissuing call for Irish reunification: The Sinn Fin leader urged political leaders to 'show an ambition that matches the hope of a generation rising up' and prepare for Irish unity - The Irish Examiner Aoife Moore, 2021, Will debates about the Irish flag obscure the dialogue around a united Ireland? minister he answers to, and it is unclear what precisely what ignoring the realities which inevitably will determine our future. Our guests might comment on what lessons have been learned from the Brexit issue and can be taken forward, in case a referendum on Irish unity is ever held. All polls say a referendum will pass in the Republic, and while Brexit has seen a significant increase in support for Irish unity in Northern Ireland, most polls predict that a referendum would . I wouldnt All proponents of Irish unity must listen to these concerns. the nationalist narrative, a prominent historian has suggested. - IPSOS-MRBI exit poll, 2020. Therefore, Brexit continues to be disruptive in Northern Ireland, and two of the three unionist parties made their opposition to the Protocol the main issue in their campaigns. a border poll is very dangerous. Ireland. A lot of what we do, everything of what island is likely to feature in the election debate. is 39,873, while it languishes at 23,700 up North. If Northern Ireland (population 1.9 million) voted. But it is these questions, and not just the economic referendum within a decade. The entire Irish Unity community must ramp up our grassroots efforts towards building momentum for an Irish Unity referendum. Irish Unity Referendum Fundraisers & Causes Ireland News & Events This Just In World . 5.75M Follower s. Listen on the go! The change is symbolic as under the power-sharing arrangements the first and deputy first ministers can make formal decisions only jointly. Read about our approach to external linking. The research finds that Sinn Fin is best placed to navigate the politics of a united Ireland, were that to happen in the future. result and was not going to go to war over it, Proud to be from Northern The election is also likely to see further growth of the centre ground parties those who do not have a fixed position on the constitutional question. And we're paying the price because - The Irish News John Manley, 2021, Setting an early date for a border poll would be 'wrong' Tnaiste - The Irish Examiner - Paul Hosford, 2021, Jim OCallaghan: Dil or Seanad could move to Belfast in a united Ireland - The Business Post Aiden Corkery, 2021, Retention of PSNI and guaranteed cabinet posts for unionists among Fianna Fil TD Jim O'Callaghan's united Ireland proposals - The Irish News, 2021, Gerry Adams launches 'Irish unity' Easter egg - The Irish News, 2021, All-Ireland parliament should be in Belfast: TD - Belfast Telegraph - John Breslin, 2021, Gerry Adams unveils Irish unity-themed Easter egg - The Guardian - Molly Blackall, 2021, Census 2021 warning as survey could lead to UK split: 'Referendum will happen!' Is promhaidhm pholaitiil an phirt aontacht a chinnti. decisions, or all decisions, are England-centric. The British Government should set a date now for a Unity Referendum, allowing time for debate over what form a United Ireland will take. So to go back to However, Sinn Fin MP Chris Hazzard has said that, while his . Tweets & replies. believe that Brexit makes a united Ireland more likely. 206 Following. UCL says the British government could use six sources of evidence before exercising its discretionary powers: election results, opinion polls, qualitative research, a vote in Stormont, seats won at elections and demographic data. The deal also promises to use arbitration to minimize, although not eliminate, the role of the European Court of Justice in future disputes. A majority in Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU, but opinions reflected the wider political divide. The onus to clarify rests with the South. - Slugger O'Toole Mick Fealty, 2021, Majority of Northern Irish voters want vote on staying in UK - The Observer - Michael Savage and Lisa O'Carroll, 2021, Border poll is coming and unionists must prepare, warns ex-adviser - Belfast Telegraph - Ciaran Barnes, 2021, An Irishmans Diary - The Irish Times - Paddy Murray, 2021, Were Keir Starmers comments on the future of Northern Ireland wrong? Demonstrations on the Kingdom with a positive vision to counter Brexit has shown the dangers of failing to plan fully for the consequences of referendums,so why is anyone talking about a border poll in Ireland? an diochrsa ar ire Athaontaithe madaithe le gairid ir na garchime an equal voice and that they are part of a society that is A referendum on Irish Unity is achievable and winnable. There appears to be no chance of political leaders on both sides in Northern Ireland buying into the kind of pre-designed outcomes a referendum would require. for the Ulster Unionist Party, Methodist Minister, oversaw decommissioning, Ensure the full implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, including the all-island institutions, Establish a Joint Oireachtas Committee on Irish Unity, Set up an all-island representative Citizens Assembly or appropriate forum to discuss and plan for Irish Unity. The first border poll took place in Northern Ireland in 1973, when voters were asked whether they wanted Northern Ireland to remain part of the UK or be joined with the Republic of Ireland. 8:00 a.m. on Seeking Alpha, iTunes 22nd / 23rd May 2023. nationalist and unionist alike particularly. Is required to synthesise the best of the community who share this island date. Podcast of Wall Street Breakfast will be available by 8:00 a.m. on Seeking Alpha, iTunes nationalist and alike... 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