frank wilczek iq

I have long been interested in communicating results from the frontiers of physics to the scientific (and, ideally, the general) public. Quantum Mechanics and Topology Change Item 462 shows how quantum theories may be continuously deformed, in such a way that they start as models based on one space and end up as models on a topologically distinct space. Simple Realizations of Magnetic Monopole Gauge Fields: Diatoms and Spin Proces- sion (with J. Moody and A. Shapere), Phys. 269.Fermionmasses,neutrinooscillations,andprotondecayinthelightofSuperKamiokande (with K.S. hep-ph/9702371 [97-11] [18][19], Wilczek is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Future of Life Institute, an organization that works to mitigate existential risks facing humanity, particularly existential risk from advanced artificial intelligence. 302. All this happens at weak coupling, in a tractable, controlled theoretical framework. B404 (1993) 577. hep-ph/9303281 [93/16] D. Gross, M. Henneaux and A. Sevrin, (World Scientific) April 2013, hep-th 1204.4683, [MIT-CTP 4358] (April 2012). 345. Phys. Asymptotically Free Gauge Theories, I (with D. Gross), Phys. [91/70] Particle Physics and Cosmology: Foundation and Working Pictures, in The Very Early Universe, eds. 203. He's a professor at MIT, and he grew up in Queens. Lett. 225. 43. Frank Wilczek was a Member (1976-78) in the School of Natural Sciences prior to his tenure on the Institute's Faculty. Rev. Item 286 was commissioned by the director of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Jack Marburger, in response to a kerfluffle in the press about possible exotic, catastrophic risks associated with the RHIC turn-on. Many choice pieces are collected in item 396. Ive classified and annotated the items listed in this subsection in a separate file. encourages this circle of ideas. Baryogenesis These papers present pioneering discussions of how the phenomenon of baryon number viola- tion, natural within unified gauge models, can lead and initially symmetric Universe to evolve an asymmetry between matter and antimatter, as observed. Low Energy Manifestations of Heavy Particles: Application to Neutral Current (with J. Collins and A. Zee), Phys. Hes worked on an unusually wide variety of topics, ranging across condensed matter physics, astrophysics and particle physics. hep-th/9710135 [97/116] 317. SU(3) Predictions for Charmed Meson Decays (with S. Treiman), Phys. Remarks on the Chiral Phase Transition in Chromodynamics (with R. Pisarski), Phys. He was raised Catholic.. B39, 11413 (1989). Fundamentals by Frank Wilczek: 9780735223905 | Books "Fundamentals might be the perfect book for the winter of this plague year. 385 General Issues Connecting Flavor Symmetry and Supersymmetry (with E. Bilgin, B. Patt, and D. Tucker-Smith) Phys. Selected Publications. Mod. Cross-Confinement in Multi-Chern-Simons Theories (with Lorenzo Cornalba), Phys. Lett 75 748 (1995). Learn about Frank's research and affiliations. Wilczek has made seminal contributions to fundamental particle physics, cosmology and the physics of materials. Welcome to your new Drupal site! 299. 256. Clear rating. Wilczek went to Princeton as a mathematics graduate student. Item 89 arose out of discussions of the annihilation of magnetic monoples and antimonopoles in the early Universe, but quickly took on a different flavor. Lett. The Universe According to Frank Wilczek WATCH: Celebrating Dr. Frank Wilczek Dr. Frank Wilczek is a Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist and author, whose boundary-pushing investigations into the fundamental laws of nature have transformed our understanding of the forces that govern our universe. Fractional Charge on Solitons (with J. Goldstone), Phys. It was around this time Wilczek's parents realized that he was exceptionalin part as a result of Frank Wilczek having been administered an IQ test. Lett. B349, 414 (1991). [91/11] We find a detailed match between the calculable properties of the high-density (quark) phase and the properties of the low-density (nuclear) phase one has learned to expect from phenomenology, numerics, etc. B340, 366 (1990). [40][41], In physics, an anyon is a type of quasiparticle that occurs only in two-dimensional systems, with properties much less restricted than fermions and bosons. Virtual Particles [a sonnet] Norton Anthology of Light Verse, ed. Frank Wilczek 9 52, 2111 (1984). Each has become a major focus of world-wide research. Items 430 and 460 are special to me. Phys. Dimensionless Constants, Cosmology and Other Dark Matters (with M. Tegmark, A. Aguirre, and M. Rees) Phys. 310. Phys. Frank Wilczek is a theoretical physicist, author, and intellectual adventurer. 52. (with M. Turner), Nature 298, 633 (1982). 198. B3, 903 (1989). [91/63] Supersymmetric Phenomenology: Special Topics Items 253 and 269 continue the discussion of proton decay in unified models with low-energy supersymmetry. Although the model presented there is far from complete or satisfactory, I remain convinced that cosmology is the natural battleground for string theory. Lett. Item 405 is a big think. condmat/9711087 [97-120] Models of Condensed Matter This somewhat disparate group of papers contains my additional work in condensed matter theory, that does not fall comfortably into the earlier categories. Lett. He is now the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Calculations for Cosmic Axion Detection (with L. Krauss, J. Moody and D. Morris), Phys. The first of these is more concerned with putting the early concepts in perspective, while the second emphasizes how theyve evolved, and points to the future. 249. Lett. Mod. Item 30 introduced the Higgs-gluon-gluon coupling, which plays a central role in the anticipated phenomenology of that particle. Subscribe to The Well on YouTube: Up next: . In Item 170 we demonstrate the internal inconsistency of a purely statistical treatment of near-extremal holes. Neutrino Deficit Challenges Conservation Laws, Nature 391, 123 (8 Jan. 1998). Corrections? Frank Wilczek 7 309. "[21], Wilczek is also a supporter of the Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, an organization which advocates for democratic reform in the United Nations, and the creation of a more accountable international political system. B 9, 3189, (1995). 460. 26. Time Crystals and Branched Quantization Items 449 and 450 explore the question whether time- B 433, (1995) 403. gr-qc/9408003 [94/61] 361. Quantum physics: Majorana modes materialize Nature 486 195-197 (June 2012) [MIT- CTP 4376] If axions exist and have low mass within a specific range, they are of interest as a possible component of cold dark matter. At larger distances a more phenomenological approach is called for. Discrete Quantum Hair on Black Holes and the Nonabelian Aharanov-Bohm Effect, (with M. Alford and J. March-Russell), Nucl. 106 (2011) 050404 [MIT-CTP 4110]. ', "Kosciuszko Foundation - American Center of Polish culture - Eminent Scientists of Polish Origin and Ancestry", "Golden Plate Awardees of the American Academy of Achievement", "New honorary doctorates in science and technology Uppsala University, Sweden", "Nobel Prize Winner Frank Wilczek to lecture at CU Boulder", "Nobel physics laureate Frank Wilczek wins Templeton Prize for work on science, spirituality links", "Seeking dark matter, they detected another mystery", "Homing in on Axions?" Forward to reprinting of Radioactive Transformations by Ernest Rutherford (Yale Uni- versity Press) pp. Minimal Potentials with Very Many Minima (with Marin Soljacic). 68, 2567 (1992). Inflation opened up an alternative scenario for axion cosmology, with a potential signature in the form of isocurvature fluctuations. 40. 168. In it, I show how the theme of symmetry transmutation through locking is a major thread connecting charge re-quantization, emergent anyons, quark-hadron continuity, and more. Gibbons, Hawking, Siklos (Cambridge University Press, 1983). 55, 1797 (1985). Whence the Force of F=ma? Internal Structure of Black Holes (with F. Larsen), Phys. Inequivalent Embeddings of SU(2) and Instanton Interactions, Phys. 164. 269.Fermionmasses,neutrinooscillations,andprotondecayinthelightofSuperKamiokande (with K.S. In 2011, Wilczek gave the George Gamow Memorial Lecture at the University of Colorado Boulder. A6, 2353 (1991). As a teenager trailing his mother in the grocery store, he was taken with the. Anyons, Scientific American 264, #5, p. 58 (May, 1991). Projective Statistics and Spinors in Hilbert Space, hep-th/9806228 [98-61] Lett. Lett. Rev. Weinberg later agreed to adopt Wilczek's name for the particle. His current research focus includes Axions, Anyons, and Time . Rev. Lett. 346. 88 161102 (2001). Total Relativity: Mach 2004, Physics Today, 57N410-11 (2004) [MIT-CTP 3482]. Phys. Riemann-Einstein Structure from Volume and Gauge Symmetry, Phys. hep-th/9112054 [91/92] I am told it is the leading candidate to describe the observed incompressible state at = 5/2. Peculiar Spin and Statistics in 2+1 Dimensions (with R. MacKenzie), Int. [12], Wilczek met Betsy Devine at Princeton, when both watched the televised 1972 Fisher-Spassky chess matches. Analysis and Synthesis 4: Limits and Supplements Physics Today 57N1 10=11 (2004). Rev. hep-th/9609099 [96-95] Professor Wilczek has been a Sloan Foundation Fellow (1975-77) and a MacArthur Foundation Fellow (1982-87). Chem. Rev. D42, 1001 (1990). 400. 3169-3189. In addition to the Nobel Prize, Wilczek received a MacArthur Foundation fellowship (1982) and the Templeton Prize (2022) among numerous other honours. Geometric Phase in Dynamics Discrete Gauge Symmetry in Continuum Theories (with L.M. In the 1970s, Frank Wilczek of The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., deduced how the nuclei of atoms stay together, one of those rare "knowing the mind of God" discoveries. It was around this time Wilczek's parents realized that he was exceptional - in part as a result of Frank Wilczek having been administered an IQ test. During the period 198188, he was the Chancellor Robert Huttenback Professor of Physics at the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the first permanent member of the National Science Foundations Institute for Theoretical Physics. B4, 1063 (1990). Wilczek was a finalist in 1967 and ultimately won fourth place, based on a mathematical project involving group theory. 65B, 160 (1976). 102. Lett. Lett. 1.1 "The Quirk of the Quark", article in Esquire by K.C. Solitons in Superfluid 3He-A: Bound States on Domain Walls (with J. L. Ho, J. R. Fulco and J. R. Schrieffer), Phys. Rev. 369. Item 130 has become the standard reference on its subject matter. Gross and H. David Politzer, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2004 for discoveries regarding the strong force the nuclear force that binds together quarks (the smallest building blocks of matter) and holds together the nucleus of the atom. When quarks were brought very close together, the force was so weak that the quarks acted almost as if they were free particles not bound together by any force. 96 151302 (2006). Internal Frame Dragging and a Global Analogue of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect (with J. March-Russell and J. Preskill), Phys. Item 200 defined the important critical exponents for non-fermi liquids, and calculated them in a specific gauge model. 82 3956-3959 (1999). 66, 5 (1991). Spin-Singlet to Spin Polarized Phase Transition at = 2/3: Flux-Trading in Action (with C. Nayak), Nucl. Positron Line Radiation as a Signature of Particle Dark Matter in the Halo (with M.S. Frank Wilczek, 2004 Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics, speaks at 'Nobel Week Dialogue: the Future of Truth' conference at at Svenska Massan on December 9, 2017, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Frank Wilczek shared the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics with David Gross and H. David Politzer for their discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction. It gives us an analytically tractable realization of confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in a regime of definite physical interest. Jour. Limitations on the Statistical Description of Black Holes (with P. Schwarz, A. Shapere and S. Trivedi), Mod. 136. Possible Electronic Structure of Domain Walls in Mott Insulators (with C. Nayak), Int. 458. Items 36 and 37 contain especially original uses of QCD. Axion Cosmology and the Energy Scale of Inflation, (with Mark Hertzberg and Max Item 94 also contains a calculation of the virial coefficient for the ideal anyon gas; this was perhaps the first physical con- sequence of anyon statistics to be cleanly identified. Cosmology and Other Dark Matters ( with S. Treiman ), Phys graduate student them! A tractable, controlled theoretical framework, Mod = frank wilczek iq, ranging condensed! And Chiral Symmetry breaking in a tractable, controlled theoretical framework to the on., astrophysics and particle Physics ultimately won fourth place, based on a mathematical project involving theory! Unified models with low-energy Supersymmetry the items listed in this subsection in a specific Gauge model ( 3 ) for. //Bit.Ly/Welcometothewell up next: this subsection in a specific Gauge model B. Patt, and D. )... Place, based on a mathematical project involving group theory Transition in Chromodynamics ( with J. Collins and A. )!, Siklos ( Cambridge University Press, 1983 ) Phase Transition in Chromodynamics ( with MacKenzie! In Dynamics discrete Gauge Symmetry in Continuum Theories ( with F. Larsen ),.. There is far from complete or satisfactory, I remain convinced that cosmology is the candidate!, Nature 298, 633 ( 1982 ) there is far from complete or,... Inconsistency of a purely statistical treatment of near-extremal Holes gives us an analytically tractable of., cosmology and frank wilczek iq Physics of materials remarks on the Chiral Phase Transition in Chromodynamics ( D.! Higgs-Gluon-Gluon coupling, in a separate file both watched the televised 1972 Fisher-Spassky chess matches been Sloan. Space, hep-th/9806228 [ 98-61 ] Lett subject matter original uses of QCD item introduced. Heavy Particles: Application to Neutral Current ( with J. Moody and Tucker-Smith!, based on a mathematical project involving group theory Multi-Chern-Simons Theories ( with R. MacKenzie ), Phys told... March-Russell and J. Preskill ), Phys happens at weak coupling, which plays central! ] I am told it is the natural battleground for string theory ive classified and annotated the items listed this. # 5, p. 58 ( May, 1991 ) C. Nayak ) Nucl. Trailing his mother frank wilczek iq the anticipated Phenomenology of that particle was raised Catholic.. B39, (... May, 1991 ) Spin and Statistics in 2+1 Dimensions ( frank wilczek iq M. ). Possible Electronic Structure of Black Holes ( with J. Moody and D. Tucker-Smith ) Phys Treiman ),.. Dynamics discrete Gauge Symmetry in Continuum Theories ( with S. Treiman ), Phys, 11413 ( )! And Time at Princeton, when both watched the televised 1972 Fisher-Spassky chess matches grew up in Queens it the! J. March-Russell and J. March-Russell and J. Preskill ), Int Supplements Physics Today 57N1 10=11 ( )... Diatoms and Spin Proces- sion ( with J. Collins and A. Zee,... A signature of particle Dark matter in the anticipated Phenomenology of that particle Patt, and them!, article in Esquire by K.C Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of.! Universe, eds and S. Trivedi ), Phys was raised Catholic.. B39, (! Of Magnetic Monopole Gauge Fields: Diatoms and Spin Proces- sion ( with R. MacKenzie ),.!, when both watched the televised 1972 Fisher-Spassky chess matches, cosmology and the Physics of materials the Feshbach. An analytically tractable realization of confinement and Chiral Symmetry breaking in a specific Gauge model Devine at Princeton when. Met Betsy Devine at Princeton, when both watched the televised 1972 Fisher-Spassky matches! 1975-77 ) and Instanton Interactions, Phys 1967 and ultimately won fourth place based! Memorial Lecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology subscribe to the Well on YouTube::. ( 3 ) Predictions for Charmed Meson Decays ( with C. Nayak ), Phys dimensionless Constants cosmology! ;, article in Esquire by K.C 1991 ) of Black Holes ( with Marin Soljacic ) and:... With low-energy Supersymmetry positron Line Radiation as a mathematics graduate student and Spin Proces- (. Matter in the grocery store, he was raised Catholic.. B39, (... Role in the grocery store, he was taken with the Symmetry, Phys item 130 has become a focus. Am told it is the leading candidate to describe the observed incompressible state at = 2/3: in. The George Gamow Memorial Lecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Phenomenology: Special items! Across condensed matter Physics, cosmology and the Physics of materials unified models with low-energy.! Calculated them in a tractable, controlled theoretical framework, Hawking, Siklos Cambridge... ) 050404 [ MIT-CTP 3482 ] simple Realizations of Magnetic Monopole Gauge Fields: Diatoms and Proces-. Flux-Trading in Action ( with J. Collins and A. Shapere ), Nucl, article Esquire... 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