Boxer appears at the Santa Monica pier to meet Starla Von Luft. alternative fuel or the increasing obsession with celebrity and how celebrity now intertwines with politics". Edit, According to The Prequel Saga, "The Power" was written entirely by Krysta Now, who is apparently psychic. Shown with white shirt flecked with blood as Revelation describes the white horseman as wearing "A white robe flecked with blood." We may have to wait for the DVD commentary to figure that one out. When Fortunio and Boxer arrive at the rendezvous point, this is where the two are introduced to one another The false prophet and the Antichrist will create a dominating world system. Pilot Abilene (Justin Timberlake) quotes Biblical scripture from the Book of Revelation in narrating the film and allusion is made both to Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and an altered version of T. S. Eliot's The Hollow Men. Kids are shooting home video of their Independence Day barbecue. "Wave of Mutilation [UK Surf Version]" by Pixies2. Also, they had sex. It never becomes clear what exactly happened in the desert. In the universe of the film, Dr. Inga Von Westphalen is also the granddaughter of Jenny Von Westphalen, Karl Marx's wife. Edit, Richard Kelly envisioned the story as being told across multiple formats. When Krysta mentions that she is sleeping with Boxer Santaros, Cyndi decides to use this information to blackmail Boxer's father-in-law: Republican candidate Bobby Frost. What do all the characters in the film keep on quoting from? The Tangent Universe is an alternate reality to our own. As a tie-in, Kelly has also produced three graphic novels ("Two Roads Diverge," "Fingerprints" and "The Mechanicals" -- now available as "Southland Tales: The Prequel Saga") that explain the film's back story. Chemical Bleeders can see back in time while Natural Bleeders can see back and forward in time. As the movie suggests, the Baron conducted secret experiments, headed by Simon Theory, with soldiers in Iraq. One critic wondered if Kelly had ever met another human being. On March 25, 2009, the R2 DVD was released in France. Taverner reveals that he hasn't produced a bowel movement in six days. All of these references to Marxism aren't entirely unconnected to the film's biblical references. If this is a parallel with the Book of Revelation, then who's whom? The final chapter of the film ("VI: Wave of Mutilation") begins. This is because, at the end of the day, Southland Tales is a very indulgent, very silly and weirdly endearing film that all manages to come together in a near indescribable sweet spot. | Southland Tales is a 2006 thriller and comedy-drama film and the second film of Richard Kelly. On September 8, 2008, it was announced that it would be one of the five films being released on Blu-ray on November 18, 2008. Elsewhere in the building, Ronald Taverner (Seann William Scott) is in the bathroom, looking at his reflection. The screenplay ends at a McDonald's restaurant, when Caleb starts belching noxious gas and launching fireballs. The baby, she explains, is the Messiah, and Jericho is his guardian. Suddenly, a bright light appears through windows and a mushroom. Serpentine explains that the world is coming to an end; the rotation of the Earth is slowing at a rate of .000000006 mile per hour every day. Southland Tales EXPLAINED - Breakdown & Heavy Analysis - YouTube FOR MORE MOVIE EXPLANATION VIDEOS PLEASE LIKE AND COMMENT THIS VIDEO! How would that work? Dick". A pregnant woman, a dragon and two beasts; They are the puppets of the Anti-ChristRevelation 22:12: In the "Southland Tales" universe, when war broke out following the nuclear attacks in Texas, Treer was contracted to build several mega-zeppelins to ferry troops and equipment across the world. Cheri Oteri plays Zora Carmichaels, while Jon Lovitz plays violent police officer Bart Bookman who is in love with Zora. In particular, Southland Tales apes his Four Lines, All Waiting style of plotting, his sci-fi meets religion Mind Screw nuttiness, his themes of identity and counterfeits, his gratuitous mixing of high literature and pop culture references, his Medium Awareness twists about characters believing fiction is secretly communicating to them, and an And "pimp?" | | Original music was provided by Moby. Shortly after they received their first injection of fluid karma, however, Taverner and Abilene were sent on a mission to Fallujah, and Taverner accidentally injured Abilene with a grenadedisfiguring him. But now it's about, I hope, creating a piece of science fiction that's about a really important problem we're facing, about civil liberties and homeland security and needing to sustain both those things and balance them. Ronald walks up to Martin Kefauver's Hummer, which is parked near the ocean. As Treer employees were interviewing the plane's passengers, they noticed that she was the only passenger who didn't suffer from amnesia and that she could see into the future. Edit, Moments before the whole Fallujah incident, when Pilot and Roland were roping down their helicopter, Pilot is nervous so Roland gives him his iPod to listen to. Background newscasts in "Southland Tales" are also constantly referring to earthquakes, wild fires and "red tides." There will be some dancing and singing, but it will be incorporated into the story in very logical scenarios as well as fantasy dream environments. Director Richard Kelly Writer Richard Kelly Stars Dwayne Johnson Sarah Michelle Gellar Our weekly culture newsletter from books and art to pop culture and memes sent every Friday. [28][29] After significant edits, the final version premiered at Fantastic Fest on September 22, 2007. During their discussion, they learn that Ronald has been dreaming of Boxer. Edit, He had fulfilled his purpose on the earth and as witness to the coming of the next age, saw his body as an empty shell and gave it away. Edit, Their role is explained a lot better in the graphic novels: they are the heads of the Neo-Marxists and are also street poets who have released several albums. On his way to meet Krysta, Fortunio discovered Boxer Santaros in the desert, stricken with amnesia. The two Rolands found each other in the end, but the movie ends before we can see what actually happens to them. "Southland Tales" also borrows from "Repo Man," which ends with a flying car (and which also referenced "Kiss Me Deadly"). Krysta Now stops by Zora's place to buy some drugs, when she notices the tape of Dream and Dion's murder on a chair. One of these was a rift created in the fourth dimensionthe fourth dimension being time itselfat Lake Meade, which was discovered when an airplane flew through it and had all its passengers left with amnesia (bar oneKrysta Now, who gained psychic abilities from it). These are (Book 1) Two Roads Diverge, (Book 2) Fingerprints and (Book 3) The Mechanicals. A cool guy. The world ends. Several soldiers were selected (Pilot, Roland, Rick [from the graphic novels]) as test subjects and were injected with Fluid Karma before going out into battle. Protector of the Messiah/False ProphetRoland Taverner: Or is it just bullshit by Richard Kelly? "Forget Myself" by Elbow13. Which quotes from the Books of Revelation are used in the film? Zelda Rubinstein and Beth Grant portray Dr. Katarina Kuntzler and Dr. Inga Von Westphalen, members of the baron's entourage. Beasts from Revelation 12 and 13 (Puppet of the Anti-Christ)Baron Von Westphalen: The other characters have all played their part and are redeemed in the end to enjoy eternal life. Southland 's heart-pounding and ultimately heart-breaking final hour centered around the hunt for the two meth heads who killed one of the LAPD's own in last week's captivating episode. On his way to meet Krysta, Fortunio discovered Boxer Santaros in the desert, stricken with amnesia. Two souls join into one, the forth dimension collapses. "Very soon now, I shall be with you again, bringing the reward to be given to every man according to what he deserves"Revelation 21? Like its contemporary David Lynchs Inland Empire (which used the then modern aesthetic of digital video to emphasise the way technology allowed the user to be present in two places, and therefore exist in two different states) it exaggerates the ugliness of 2006 the tribal tattoos and the awful CGI, the typefaces that look like something from a bitchin Geocities website until what was merely bad taste looks absurd, a dark dream that takes place in a strip mall food court. What is the glowing orb carried around by Dr. Kuntzler? As the movie suggests, the Baron conducted secret experiments, headed by Simon Theory, with soldiers in Iraq. Kelly has said that this idea was inspired by a real U.S. Army project. Copyright 2023, LLC. What's with the glow from Roland and Ronald's hands? He then asked her to forecast the last three days on Earth, and she made her prediction in the form of a screenplay: "The Power." Fifteen years after Southland Tales was booed out of the Cannes Film Festival, director Richard Kelly tells Inverse he embraces the chorus of jeers. Both vehicles come to a rest in the middle of a shootout and Walter Mung is killed. Edit, Operation Dream Theory was an experiment created by Treer. You could argue that all of Southland Tales occurs in the Tangent Universehence the film's alternate history of the past three years, and its weird mishmash of pop culture. Anything important or cool? What do all the characters in the film keep on quoting from? "Look Back In" by Moby5. The filmmaker stated that discussions are ongoing as to whether the projects should be released as films or in a long-form format through a streaming service.[46]. Fortunio and his buddies break into USIDent, killing all of the employees, including Nana Mae Frost. Once there, Boxer meets Simon Theory, one of the Baron's employees. The release of Kellys first film, Donnie Darko, more or less coincided with the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. This article is viewable at here and is intended to give to viewer a better perception of the movie itself and answer questions not cleared up in the movie.An interview with Richard Kelly from the February issue of the film magazine Empire. [19] Kelly describes the negative reaction at Cannes as a "very painful experience on a lot of levels" but ultimately felt that the film "was better off because of it". "Oh My Angel" by Bertha Tillman3. Two witnesses appear in Jerusalem to speak out against the sins of mankind. She became psychic when a plane she was onUnited 23flew through the rift in space-time above Lake Mead. The Book of Revelation is the last book in the New Testament. The Anti-ChristSerpentine: The name may also reference the actor Fortunio Bonanova who starred as Carmen Trivago in the film Kiss Me Deadly, itself a considerable influence on Southland Tales. What's the relation between Walter Mung and Veronica "Dream" Mung? "The Star Spangled Banner" by Rebekah del Rio & The Section Quartet14. Reading the graphic novels shows that she had the revelation of the screenplay, which happened (more or less) as she said it would, much as the book of revelation was occurring (more or less) as John had proposed it. These are all references to the seven plagues that precede the destruction of Babylon. Because of this rift the world is essentially going mad.remember when I said there's a reason why everything seems so crazy in this movie ? The title refers to the Southland, a name used by locals to refer to Southern California and Greater Los Angeles. That would be Fluid Karma. "It will never be night again and they will not need lamplight or sunlight, because the Lord God will be shining on them. [It] restores an uncanny to American culture, she wrote in Fetishism and Curiosity, that the uncanny president disavows. In Southland Tales we have a movie whose frenetic, all-American surrealism its blend of censorship and sexuality, commerce and violence spookily pre-empted the prevailing culture under Donald Trump a decade before he was elected president. Its story overlaps with the movie, so it explains some of the back story. For reasons that never become entirely clear, he was hired by the Baron to kidnap Boxer Santaros from a charity scavenger hunt and drive him to Lake Mead. As in "Southland Tales," a character in "Kiss Me Deadly" picks up a stranger in the desert, and one of the main characters in the film is named after a poet. [12] Editorial changes were made to restructure the order of the film's scenes, including re-recording all of Timberlake's voice-over. One moment, for example, is during Cyndi's meeting where she asks Krysta how much of her own money is she putting into her career makeover. The White Horseman, with his rifle post being his horse and his rifle his bow. And, of course, gets corrupted and goes mad. They are eventually killed by those who are tormented by their prophecies.Revelation 22:5: Ronald Taverner and Baby Caleb in "The Power") not have a bowel movement? Southland Tales After twin terrorist attacks in Texas, the Republican party grabs the overwhelming majority of Congressional seats in the 2006 midterm elections by stoking public fear and claiming that America is living though the end times. 125, Second Movement "Molto Vivace", by Ludwig van Beethoven "Tender" by Blur "It Looks Down" by Moby "Ceanograph" by Moby (featured in Cannes cut, not in theatrical cut) "The Real Thing" by The Shakers "Blackout" by Muse What exactly happens at the end of the movie? She says "The religion that is the winner of the contest will bleed" This is the way the world ends not with a bang, but with a fascinating near three-hour disaster of a movie, as deranged as Heavens Gate and as distinctively mid-Noughties as a Juicy Couture tracksuit. Its depiction of an American teenager experiencing premonitions about doomsday clocks and jet crashes suddenly became more piquant in light of such astounding tragedy. The second section of the film ("V: Memory Gospel") begins. It stinks and we have to accept it. So what's causing the Earth to slow down ? Before Edward Snowden released information to the public about the NSA's numerous global surveillance programs, many people joked about the government spying on us through simple technology like our phones. You could argue that all of "Southland Tales" occurs in the Tangent Universe -- hence the film's alternate history of the past three years, and its weird mishmash of pop culture. On this occasion the beginning of the end is predicted not by a high-schooler but by an adult performer: Krysta Now (Sarah Michelle Gellar), a former porn star, has shrugged off the bangs and whimpers of her previous employment with a new career as a Kardashian-style mogul, and a seer. Zora Carmichaels and Bart Buchman return to the Neo-Marxist headquarters, where we learn that the two are lovers and have planned the murder of Dion and Dream. After losing a game of cards, Fortunio needed to make his way back into California, and Krysta offered to set him up with a visa. This means that Christianity has won the "contest" for Earth and is the one true faith. It's easy to empathize with his position, not so easy to remain engrossed in a film that's occasionally inspired but ultimately manic and scattered. That needs to change, The autonomous future is nearly here with Wejo, The need to grow Londons EV infrastructure at speed and scale, Ben Wheatleys In the Earth is a trippy eco-horror, Twenty years of feminist classic Legally Blonde, Cary Grants turn in the 1950s romcom Indiscreet is a lesson in effortlessness, The big consultancy con, with Mariana Mazzucato, The rise and fall of Nicola Sturgeon Audio Long Reads, Facility / Grounds Management and Maintenance, HR, Training and Organisational Development, Information and Communications Technology, Information Services, Statistics, Records, Archives, Infrastructure Management - Transport, Utilities, Science and Technical Research and Development. The film follows the criss-crossed destinies of Boxer Santaros, an action film actor stricken with amnesia; Krysta Now, a psychic exporn star in the midst of creating a reality TV show; and twin brothers Roland and Ronald Taverner, whose destinies become intertwined with that of all mankind. But once they went through the rift, the car's self-destruct mechanism was activated, killing the copy of Boxer that did not travel back in time. He then asked her to forecast the last three days on Earth, and she made her prediction in the form of a screenplay: "The Power." Back in the dumpster, Roland Taverner wakes up as his hands begins to glow. The film that is most obviously referenced is "Kiss Me Deadly," a 1955 film noir about a private detective who uncovers a plot to detonate a nuclear device. Before Fortunio encountered Boxer, he was introduced to Krysta, who promised him that she would get him an "interstate travel visa" to get him back into California. All of these references to Marxism aren't entirely unconnected to the film's biblical references. Support 100 years of independent journalism. The film also evokes Kurt Vonnegut's sci-fi absurdism, Philip K. Dick's philosophical approach to time travel, and Thomas Pynchon's sprawling narratives. The New Statesmans weekly environment email on the politics, business and culture of the climate and nature crises - in your inbox every Thursday. I still don't know what that movie is about. If these scenes are anything to go by, very minuscule moments in them that were cut can be noticed and they are now more compact and give the bare essentials in the theatrical cut. If "Southland Tales" is a semi-straightforward reinterpretation of the Book of Revelation, then Baron Von Westphalen is the Antichrist, Sen. Bobby Frost is probably his false prophet, Krysta Now is the Whore of Babylon, the two witnesses are probably Boxer Santaros and Roland Taverner, the white horse is the levitating ice cream truck, and Christ is Ronald and Roland Taverner. Is "The Power" important for understanding "Southland Tales"? Presumably, Tab was afraid that the Baron's people would find out that Roland had survived the trip through the time rift. This has opened up a rift in the space-time continuum on the outskirts of Lake Mead. The mega-zeppelin explodes, and its pieces scatter across L.A. It may seem really amateurish at first, letting things like that "this is the way the world ends" quote fly from all directions throughout the film. Musician Moby was approached on composing and performing the film's score. Why would Martin let himself die after he killed everyone on the Mega-Zeppelin? Dwayne Johnson joined the cast in April 2005, and principal photography was slated to begin August 1, 2005 in Los Angeles. "In its willful, self-involved eccentricity, Southland Tales is really something else. The 2008 election, which is being fought between Clinton-Lieberman (Democrats) and Eliot-Frost (Republicans), hinges on the electoral votes of the state of California. Kelly sought more financing to finish visual effects for the film, and he negotiated a deal with Sony to cut down on the film's length in exchange for funds to complete the visual effects. Published May 20, 2016. It's OK to be confused by Richard Kelly's "Southland Tales.". At their Venice Beach headquarters, we meet the rest of the Neo-Marxists, including Veronica "Dream" Mung (Amy Poehler) and Dion Element (Wood Harris). Several days before the movie starts, on the same houseboat on Lake Mead, Tab Taverner, Ronald/Roland's father, told Ronald -- who has amnesia -- that he must kidnap his brother in order to protect him. When it premiered in its original three-hour form at Cannes, last year, the response was acidic. Messiah = high spirituality. Krysta is brought to the Frost mansion, where she is confronted by Madeline. [18], The track "Memory Gospel" was used from time to time by the CBC Radio One program Q in the background of an opening monologue given by host Jian Ghomeshi. "Lucky Me" by Roger Webb8. What does the name "Vaughn Smallhouse" refer to? "Samuel Goldwyn to handle US distribution of Southland Tales", "Universal, Wild Bunch board Southland Tales", This Maligned 2006 Movie About Dystopian L.A. Is Too Real at This Point. Scientists are saying the futures going to be far more futuristic than they originally predicted, Krysta suggests, as if this helped to explain anything. We zoom out to a satellite view, revealing that another nuclear bomb has been detonated in El Paso. The Region 1 DVD was released on March 18, 2008, in North America and the Region 2 release was on March 31, 2008, in the United Kingdom. Murdered and the two people to witness this are Boxer and Roland. On October 26, 2020 Arrow Video announced a Remastered version approved by Richard Kelly will be released on Blu-ray on January 26, 2021. Three days later, he is discovered in the desert near Lake Mead. Nowadays, the debate surrounding freedom, privacy,. Southland Tales is unashamedly maximalist, rushing through as many set pieces as Kelly can conjure whilst simultaneously touching upon practically every theme a work of art can contain. This assertion seems to be based upon a flawed understanding of the the particular Law. Eventually, the Antichrist will show up and take over the world. The Cannes boo is the annual terrorist attack of . Edit, Those who use Fluid Karma are "Chemical Bleeders" (e.g. What was in the 20 to 25 minutes cut out of the original version showed at Cannes? He's the best friend of Seann William Scott's character (Roland Taverner), so he's witness to the resurrection. Pilot Abilene, who has been watching the scene from his gun turret, shoots and kills Starla. Three days before the movie starts, Krysta Now was vacationing on a houseboat on Lake Mead with Ronald Taverner, Tab Taverner (Ronald's father) and Fortunio Balducci. Spirituality has nothing to do with it. Why is 'Kiss Me Deadly' featured numerous times in the film? Things certainly ended on a dark note for many of the characters on the "Southland" season finale, but the final moments left fans' jaws on the ground in a cliffhanger that may never be resolved. Above him, Pilot Abilene (Justin Timberlake) sits in a gun turret and recites from the Book of Revelation, Robert Frost's poem "The Two Roads" and an inverted version of T.S. (This explains the final scene where "Ronald" tells Roland he forgives himhe is actually Pilot Abilene talking, explaining that he forgives him for what happened in Fallujah.) Starla Von Luft, the double-crossing USIDent employee, is reading a copy of "The Power" at work. What exactly happens at the end of the movie? It was first released in 2006 to almost uniformly terrible reviews, and has since found an audience with fans who love it for its great ambition, its disdain for common sense, and its prescient use of neo-Marxism, internet censorship and celebrity sex-tapes as harbingers of the future. In 2021, Kelly announced that there are developments to expand the film into a franchise. The critic Laura Mulvey once suggested Blue Velvet, having been released in 1986, was the ideal film for the mood of the Reagan era. We'll begin with a recap of the film. He climbs out and walks up to the nearby ice cream truck. Everything and everyone is bedazzled in red, white, and blue; burgers and Buds are happily consumed on the lawn of every McMansion. If you replace the Antichrist with the bourgeoisie, and the kingdom of God with a communist utopia, you've got the same basic narrative. Zora Carmichaels (Cheri Oteri), a member of the Neo-Marxist movement, buys blank bullets from Walter Mung (Christopher Lambert) in an ice cream truck filled with weapons. Starla is in love with Boxer and, in a fit of delusion, has assumed the role of Dr. Muriel Fox, a character from the screenplay. Fluid karma also makes telepathy possible between those that are using it. [9] Filming began on August 15, 2005, with a budget of around US$1517 million. Southland Tales begins on Independence Day 2005 in an eminently recognizable Bush-era Texas. The restaurant starts floating into space. The idea with the severed thumbs is that the Neo-Marxists have figured out a way to create a free-floating voter. The current world ends, the joined souls become the new messiah, a new world begins. It tells the story of Jericho Cane, a renegade Los Angeles police officer (and Boxer Santaros doppelgnger), who teams up with Dr. Muriel Fox, a psychic stripper (and Krysta Now doppelgnger), to protect a baby named Caleb. Comedy-Drama film and the second Section of the Messiah/False ProphetRoland Taverner: or is it just by. Are also constantly referring to earthquakes, wild fires and `` red tides. Deadly ' numerous. White horseman, with a budget of around US $ 1517 million ]... In six days Ronald Taverner ( Seann William Scott 's character ( Taverner! Kelly had ever met another human being the Messiah/False ProphetRoland Taverner: or is it just bullshit by Richard 's. And comedy-drama film and the second film of Richard Kelly 's `` Southland Tales '' Kelly ever! Army project seven plagues that precede the destruction of Babylon Roland and 's. Dimension collapses climbs out and walks up to Martin Kefauver 's Hummer, which is parked the! 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