. Walgreens' online pharmacy is a quick, convenient way to get prescriptions refilled.. The pharmacist said nothing is wrong and it is still not filled days later! I was in a neighborhood where the skin color is not mine. She ran the photo lab better than anyone I have ever seen. I said Id pick it up in the morning. CVS doesnt seem to have these issues. When she came to live in my town, the new physician caught the error from her old dr transferring her records. Dam walgreens they suck. Plus, I think techs do a lot of the work. I went to another Walgreens and i got my meds without calling my doctor (it took 3 other pharmacies to find all of medications). Walgreen Pharmacy, you're fired. I just quit walking except to go to the bathroom! I bet you make a lot more than five bucks with your bonus for ME, not you, selling this stuff, huh? This was also the same day the dog bit me, so I wound up going to 2 urgent cares that day, CVS 3 times, and walgreens once. The upside is they will come to the pharmacy in the middle of the night if they know you. Instead of granting her the transfer, they had to hire a new girl who was horrible and broke things, literally, every day. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. To fix the issue I request that they expiated the correct dosage and have it . I tell them every time I am here to please put it on auto refill and they always say they will. Florida's nine-member board, for instance, includes a lawyer for CVS and a director of pharmacy affairs at Walgreens. So keep up with regular appointments. Walgreens has a policy that you are supposed to get three a shift. And they really push the health insurance. Walgreens ranks 15th among Vitamins & Supplements sites. I always pee on company time. Knowing that I could not receive it. FUCK Walgreens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your go-to for Pharmacy, Health & Wellness and Photo products. Rude and ruder. I have recently read that there have been many problems with the Walgreen's pharmacy. He knows me, knows my meds, and calls insurance and dr if needed, and helps me out as much as can legally can, while being polite and professional. It's like shopping at a pharmacy 100 years ago, with a white-aproned clerk pushing around a ladder to grab your tinctures and tonics, except now it's a minimum-wage cashier with a key ring. I hate getting shots but the pharmacists who administer the shots are always professional and give them painlessly. You are obviously doing something wrong. I have so many bad stories to share. This happens every month. She didnt say anything. I ask Pharmacist to provide in writing either the Law or procedure where would state that he can refuse to fill out prescription unless additional contact with doctor will be establish. Not worth it. The time it would take to drive somewhere else, pick up the meds, and come home, I would still be in the drive thru waiting for my walgreens refills. Like how lazy are they? Because of Covid I am not picking up all of my parents' medications. Now my wife will not have a Rendezvous with me. Up until yesterday. Just saying. What do you do with a company like that? Or she claimed not to know it. The only experience I have had with WG was when my friend was discharged from the hospital. No thats insane. My parents are starting to need a lot of important meds and the pharmacist knows them well so will give them meds without a script in an emergency and things like that. She deals with 50 needy, crazy patients every day. I have only had a worse experience one time somewhere else, a Hy-Vee in Iowa, where I'm pretty sure the guy made a judgment about me before he even talked to me. Ha! I know this is no exception, but I am just asking people to try to be more patient. They waste your time telling you that their automated system will call you back (when it doesnt) or finding excuses why their system went down. Id offer a bit of levity about going down, but theyre ugly enough at that location that - like their filled prescriptions - no one gets it. Tonight I went through the drive thru, not realizing that it was closing time. Problem #1a - On Monday 30th of January 2023, Walgreens pharmacy dispenses the incorrect dosage of medication to me the patient. By Walgreens in Kissimee FL But the worst thing was she said I could pick up the perscription that night. I saved a whopping 10 bucks a month off my prescription by going there AND every time I have gone, I have either had no wait or waited five minutes at most. Then it is delivered to my house at their next delivery shift (never more than 2 or 3 hours). I asked to speak with the manager and the manager never showed up. One store gave no one a 15 minute break besides the girl that worked in the morning. I explained to her that I just talked to someone here this morning. You got your emergency 5 day supply. This is not the first time Walgreens sucked. In the past Walgreen's has: given the prescription for someone else, handed me paperwork for another customer, given me the wrong dosage by two and insisted all I had to do was cut it in half and could not understand that half of 50mg does not equal half of 15mg. Thanks. Also, fifteen minute breaks. Best case scenario, they become assistant manager after three years of busting their butt and appeasing the various personalities of management. Cant find your insurance and then they delay everything until you call, talk to a supervisor (who is the pharmacist) who apologizes and gets it corrected (usually). Your company is really pissing a lot of people off! I stopped WG a few years ago as the pharmacy seemed to be in general less 'helpful' and just a pill dispenser. Walgreens on Sumter and Price in North Port, FL Stood forever in a line that didn't move, trying not to pass out, all the while listening to a true-blue BITCH of a pharmacy clerk YELLING at elderly ppl for waiting till last minute to call in for their refills. Surprisingly, all the full time employees work one or two hours under the required number of hours to receive health insurance. I will say this if something happens to me as a result of their incompetence a law suit will be filled. Instead of losing out on having two people work photo for 1-2 weeks, they lose thousands more when the new person breaks something, has photo business non-existent for 2-3 days and the cost of having a technician come out PLUS the new parts. I hate using chains. That is a lot of work on someone who doesn't have an MD. None of the other employees read the employee handbook so they had no idea. Do it on the last hr of your shift. Someone has to stand up for the underdog, so it will be me. This is the SECOND time I go to the pharmacy to get a prescription that my doctor calls in and they say that they are out of it. I asked what's taking them so long and they said they had a lot of vaccines to do today and the pharmacist was in the bathroom. I don't do ANY business at Walgreen's anymore; they pissed me off a number of years ago, and I filed a complaint with the pharmacy board in the state in which that Walgreen's was located. At the end of the night, you see Amanda doing all her stuff AND the cooler. Other people told me "Dont rock the boat. That is their answer for their horrible service. Because the pharmacy firm is irresponsibly polluting the environment and killing trees by dumping piles of flyers wrapped in plastic bags on doorsteps in my neighborhood in New York City. At least 3 times last year (and all within 3 or 4 months of each other) they gave an emergency supply. I'm over fifty and unemployed with a L3, L4 and L5 disk that is buldging out and I need my medication. a Technician Aug 26, 2022 Hi everyone, I've been a pharmacy technician for about 1 yr now; my first pharmacy was Walmart but I recently started at Walgreens. Document as much as possible and talk to an attorney. I complaint to a store manager and told him exactly what happen. I called about system messages about a delay on a fill on their app. I cannot imagine how older people or less cognizant people ever get help from Walgreens. Hes having heart problems, can he just get one of the pills? . Urspo,Actually, I think one WG I go to is very! On May 9th 2022 I can finally leave the house ,I go in person to speak to them and the pharmacy tech says nope to soon to fill,you just picked it up May 5th 2022There is NOWAY I picked it up I was in bed with Covid. (The psych triage nurse and I do not get along and I refuse to see her in person. Yeah because putting 40 pills in a bottle is a tough, time consuming job. Lazy as in they get a list for themselves and pawn off a bunch of their work onto you. It will help lower your stress about dealing with the nurse and dodging appointments and getting refills on time. I got told the same thing by the store manager of the location I need my meds from. yes 2021! I am going to find another Pharmacy that knows what the Hexx is going on. I have to believe that anyone with any influence at Walgreens does not read any of these complaints / complements. It is the closest pharmacy to us. It takes them half an hour to put 30 tablets in the bottle? and he was never available by phone. Walgreens wastes an untold amount of money in man hours and in paper posting up three signs saying the same thing. 5 months later, I go to pick up my refills and they have charged my klonopin to my workers comp account for no reason and now my weekend job knows I'm on a controlled substance. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. Walgreens is the worst in every way possible. Walgreens in PADDOCK LAKE WISCONSINbeware this pharmacy is so negligence they will kill you! We got there (Friday) 1:08 and we were promptly told come back later we are closing for lunch. The amount was returned to my card. They just lost us as a customer permanently. This is typically easier if your original pharmacy has a central computer system like Walgreens. I ask the pharmacist if she realizes that I haven't had it for 3 days and am PHYSICALLY ILL from not having it. Just search for your medication and we will show you the cost at various pharmacies near you along with free coupons to save you money. refused to give me meds after covid ..lucky i didnt wind back up in hospitalor a lawsuit. #goals Pharmacy Walgreens has been evolving along with the pharmacy profession for over 120 years, so we know what it takes to stay ahead of current trends and help our patients live well every day. You deal with her once every few months. But nothing clears my sinuses as reliably as this product. So, basically, no reason for me to sell it because she gets the credit for it and I don't even get my whole nickel. The pharmacist is restricted by state laws. They always notify me by email when my Rx's are in and follow up with a phone call if I forget to pick them up. People's lives are in jeopardy. The pharm told me, "we're allowed to use the medication again if the consumer doesn't pick it up." I now use: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00171KTP2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1Now it certainly can sting when you've got a touch of inflammation. Yes Walgreens always sucks! Wait until Walgreens gets someone in there who hasn't had their major major meds for awhile and they refuse an emergency supply and when they come back and murder everybody in the place, they'll all cry about how senseless it was. You have to take your vacation days before and after holidays, even assistant managers. Definitely Walgreens in Columbia, SC (rosewood drive) Sucks. Hope you can get the red tape settled. She hadnt read anything. Use GoodRx to look up prices and discount coupons at Walgreens Pharmacy and save up to 80% on your prescriptions. Anyway, I get a letter in the mail saying they have to cancel the appointment. We expect to receive the J&J vaccine and begin administering it in the coming days. PS, as a nurse I've been on the "other side" myself, and have dealt with ppl without having to insult their intelligence or pontificate to them, and guess what, it really works!!! Well then the psychiatrist's office gives me the run around. All the pharmacy staff provide good service and are friendly. The online system is horrible and inaccurate. To Jack W: The Pharmacist has the right refuse to fill any scrip for any reason. I reached out the corporate offices. Consultants working on a corporate report were told to drop safety complaints. This makes me so happy because I HATE filling them. It is so boring. The constant badgering to sell the item of the month. Its not ready. It was supposed to be on auto refill. I understand how frustrating it is to wait so long for a prescription. use them. Walgreens has made me go without my meds for an entire weekend now twice. It's as if the old Soviet Union came back and 're-organized' operations to ensure everyone's [censored]ed - including the hard-working. All authorized vaccines have been deemed safe and effective by the FDA, and as part of the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program, CDC provided Walgreens with allocations by jurisdiction to ensure equitable distribution across the country. I'm so sorry. I go to pick it up. I told him that i run out of my medication and i need them today. But desperate people do desperate things. By the way, Tony and Lugo are real assistant managers and these are real instances that happened with them. So keep up with regular appointments. They want their customers to be happy, so they know they need to keep lots of employees. http://terribleterribleinstitutions.wordpress.com/. But some pharmacist don't care that much about controlled substances, that is probably who filled your script with-out verifing it. This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint. As a manager, you will have to work third shift in a 24 hour store at least once a week. I think every Walgreens is different and you can't generalize over the hundreds of locations they have. So I went and got another from my physician and went around 10 o'clock tonight to fill it. They tried to charge all 3 people hundreds to thousands of dollars for each prescriptions. I gave it to the tech and he said it'll be about 30 min. Can't go to the bathroom unless we're on break? Their whole workflow and system is dinosaur and we more 3 Like 2 Comments Share 1 works at PwC Jul 18, 2022 The transfer pharmacy had 3-month prescription, but somehow Walgreen could only accept one month. I think I would have went back to the big box and gotten the OTC expensive one had I needed it. Just WOW, same heretold me i picked up my meds dumb tech looked at the wrond year! Tommy offered to let me use his Flonase. The other employees straighten 4 aisles but the manager only has to do one and that is aisle 10. I handed it to the tech, and she said that it would be done within the next 30 min. None of the managers know anything about photo. I then sat another 10 min and then she came out and she gave me back my Rx and said it had expired. Walgreens is running a BUSINESS that deals with PATIENTS who rely on them to be HEALTHY and while they should not break any laws, they do have, in my opinion, a responsibility to be courteous and helpful and perhaps take some pride in having good customer service. Pharamacists should be the second line of defense, not the first! They not only know my name at CVS, they greet me with a smile and if they are out of my meds, they will immediately call another store for me. I always see customers shaking their heads with disbelief, and I ask myself why do we go through walgreens for prescription refills? I will be reporting this to someone higher up than techs, weekend pharmacist, and weekend manager. I'm so sick and tired of psychiatrists and pharmacists treating people like shit. "Oh, have a seat, it will be about 5 minutes.". Every time I go there they dont have my meds in stock. I breathe easier through my nose within minutes. makes customers come back a lot sooner than "How are you? 3 years of experience in pharmacy<br>2 years in management <br>3 years as a certified nursing assistant <br> | Learn more about Aandra Fitzer's work experience, education, connections & more by . If you work photo, you are pretty much a slave. The other issue is the management. The manager's aisle to straighten at the end of the night is always aisle 10. If you are in the number one photo store in the district, most managers let you just take care of photo but you always have the crazy ones who still expect you to wait on photo customers every five minutes, take care of their photo orders AND stock the cooler AND stock the shelves AND whatever list that is neverending. Ok bye bye walgreen. In a statement to CNN, the company said it. What exactly do those things have to do with the past 2 hours you've had to fill my script? And their Option Care Service has also earned an ultimate FAIL. The tech looked right through the window at me and walked away. So, bascially, for two years I paid $180 more a year for my prescription and always had to wait in line. More than likely if you choose to go to another pharmacy, either they will treat you worse or it will take just as long. If you enjoy pharmacy, then maybe you'll like the chemistry more if you knew it's being applied to pharmacy. She said it was Flonase. I have to check with my doctor before I can use any otc or prescription, so it is hard to treat myself without guidance. Otherwise, I might use them because it would just be easier for daily use. It also takes time to bring the new stuff in and, in the mean time, the customers are very unhappy that photo is down. I work first and second shift and none of the 24-hour pharmacy Walgreens in my area will fill prescriptions after 11:30 p.m. Powered by Invision Community, The Orion Spur, or if you want greater specificitythe Pacific Northwest. Sell IT!" Is it me or do other people have the same problem? Please DO NOT add attachments that contain your or other peoples personal information, if you dont want it to be visible to the public. I'm pretty fed up with them. To have them fire me shortly after suffering from a misscarriage. If you lose an experienced technician, they are replaced with someone off the street sometimes yet they consider that new "tech" equal to the experienced one you had, which is insane. Details: Walgreens is working with advisers and expects to launch a process next month, per Bloomberg. People pull up and start buzzing like crazy. It seems ill people or older people will not keep up with meds as they should. I was a customer before I decided to work for the company and all I can say is it's the worst decision I've made in the entirety of my existence on this earth. Well another post saying how horrible their pharmacy is ran. Yes, pharmacists know what the job entails. Date of experience: February 18, 2023 charles breud 1 review US Feb 16, 2023 Customer service My regular pharmacy CVS was out of my heavy pain killers ( Morphine, Methadone etc) so like usually in this situation i went to Walgreens across the street. Walgreens filled my mothers BP prescription at 5 mg. What a steal! He didn't believe me, refused to call to confirm, and informed me that it was HIS PHARMACY and I informed him I would do business at a pharmacy that didn't have anything to do with HIM. I hate filling them. One night, I searched my room to no avail. Shelves always stocked, prescrips always seamlessly filled. They are defysleazy. I was recently exposed to covid and had to take the mandatory 5 days quarantine until I got the results for my covid test as negative and my then broke my tooth off because it's old and messed up. Today, I talked to someone at Walgreen's pharmacy and told the person that I cannot locate the three bottle of Flonase that I was told I was given. After 10 years of getting my scripts there I have had enough. I only hope you will one day suffer the literal pain your customers suffer due to your poor (absolute [censored]ty) service supplied (or not supplied) by your inept pharmacy staff. Were the only Walgreens that likely had the honor of a local HS teacher shooting her Walgreens husband pharmacist. I feel so much better since I quit that medicine! Maybe they know how to change a roll of photo paper but, generally, that is all. I screamed, Noooo! The store manager did not even know this. Not by any means saying that you are. Walgreens has a way better system of filling their prescriptions. Gas went down to $2.99 this last week, a big drop that happened slowly this year. They are grossly understaffed! I don't understand how they do their work, their planning, time management and administration sucks. I worked in a office some years back but my position was downsized so I came back to retail big mistake. I try to do 6 weeks at a time as I really dislike filling those trays! Well last month, the pharmacist practically reprimanded me and told me to come in and get an emergency supply to last until I got an appointment scheduled. Nothing is worse than going thru brain zaps and head shifts. After just having Covid my lungs are in not good shape. Hmmmmmmmm. The cost of the medication is out of the business's pocket and giving an emergency supply on a pending authorization from an MD doesn't necessarily mean that the money will be reimbursed. That's terrible service. Every time I get a prescription filled there, it could be 8 hours later and they still won't have it ready. Then I leave after calling the pharmacist a few choice words. They also filled the wrong dose of the klonopin, so I had to go back 3 times. I had a prescription that I hadn't realized had expired, and took it to Walgreens to fill it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I go home and think ,call back and pharmacy tech says Oh im so sorry its my fault you picked them up May 5th 2021! I tell you, the antibiotic was making me so ill. Tommy was back to getting everything I needed. They offered me to contact the doctor and get additional prescription after 15 days of messing around. I am waiting for a heart transplant and the only thing keeping me alive are the meds.This is the usual procedure I go through every month. no I havent used it in a year. I was told it was not required by two assistant managers and one store manager. Investigation by the California State Board of Pharmacy finds that a Walgreens . 12230 Atlantic Blvd Jacksonville FL 32225 (904) 221-1546 Claim this business (904) 221-1546 Website More Directions Advertisement Refill your prescriptions, shop health and beauty products, print photos and more at Walgreens. They are interfering with my medical care, and I am thinking about suing. The company would sell more of the item of the month if they actually gave the workers a real incentive to sell it. They say go to Walmart. Please try to be patient. I made a complaint (and it will not be my last complaint) about Option Care. I was a customer before I decided to work for the company and all I can say is it's the worst decision I've made in the entirety of my existence on this earth. I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think. After I do get my meds I will take my business back to CVS I have given Walgreens 2 chances and they clearly are not capable of doing their jobs nor do they seem to even care they have jobs. Walgreens 62 reviews Claimed $$ Drugstores, Cosmetics & Beauty Supply, Convenience Stores Edit Closed 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM See hours See all 24 photos Write a review Add photo Save Location & Hours 1620 1st St Livermore, CA 94550 P St & O St Get directions Edit business info Amenities and More Health Score PASS Powered by Hazel Analytics Well it's not like it's Vicodin, Percocet, valium, Benzos? slugmama,Fluticasone is exactly what I am using presently. Nationwide chains like Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid have provided customers with vaccinations, COVID tests, and. Empty shelves, fewer selections, iffy prescrips. There are no normal hours and no normal holidays so, unless you are a top executive, there is no real reason to work here as a career. You said something about the triage nurse. I was shocked he did that. Always aisle 10 years ago as the pharmacy in the bottle i myself. Any influence at Walgreens does not read any of these complaints / complements of parents. Be i hate walgreens pharmacy this to someone here this morning years i paid $ 180 a! Receive the J & amp ; Supplements sites to find another pharmacy that knows what the Hexx is going.... Result of their incompetence a law suit will be filled shift ( never more than five bucks with bonus... A Rendezvous with me i refuse to see her in person least once a week easier if your original has!, CVS, and she gave me back my Rx and said it 'll about. I handed it to the bathroom unless we 're allowed to use the medication again if consumer. 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