figurative language in philippians 1

/F2 1 Tf -1.28848 -1.09091 TD /F0 1 Tf 0.0817 Tw 2.46672 0 TD 0.0502 Tw )Tj ET 0.025 Tw (firm conviction, assuring the Philippians in an extremely powerful wa)Tj T* This hyperbolic)Tj Of these local Roman Christians who were now witnessing and preaching more boldly there were two types, distinguished by their motivation. And here in particular the three-way bond that holds the letter together stands out [i.e., Christ, Paul, and the Philippians]. [(r)-15(e)-15(c)-15(o)-15(n)-15(s)-15(tructing Paul\325)55(s rhetorical strategy from the text itself, provides a)]TJ Perhaps by the choice of this unusual word Paul shows himself anxious that his friends should not break loose in disarray (Martin, 1976) or lose control of themselves as a result of the attacks of their adversaries." BT -1.28848 -1.09091 TD (to be addressed once the analysis of the letter has been completed)Tj q However, he did qualify that love as resting on real knowledge and all discernment. -0.015 Tc (110)Tj [(\), I know that I shal)-15(l)]TJ 0 Tc 9 0 0 9 103.7712 433.3237 Tm -0.015 Tw 11 0 0 11 208.1095 244.2594 Tm ET [(nwvskei)40(n)]TJ (. q ET [Note: Homer A. Kent Jr., "Philippians," in Ephesians-Philemon, vol. /F0 1 Tf -0.025 Tw /F0 1 Tf /F1 1 Tf -0.0151 Tc 0.0966 Tw 0 Tc (s conviction in this regard \(Silva 1988:)Tj 0.05 Tw [Note: Hawthorne, p. 8.25 0 0 8.25 72.9161 338.631 Tm -0.0001 Tc 0.0688 Tw (M)Tj ET -0.01 Tw -0.0001 Tc 11 0 0 11 66.1968 521.8658 Tm -0.0001 Tc 0 0 0 1 k ET 0 Tw -0.0182 Tw 0 Tc By using this special word Paul may indicate that he expects to receive a kings welcome from the Philippians when he comes to their town (Beare)." /F5 1 Tf (i)Tj -0.015 Tc -0.0151 Tc 0.004 Tw 0 Tc [Note: Motyer, p. (. BT BT -18.30219 -1.40014 TD (dium)Tj 0.072 Tw -0.0004 Tc ET 0 Tw 11 0 0 11 246.1968 403.0547 Tm -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw 0.0862 Tw (oujc aJgnw`")Tj ET 0.054 Tw [(s)-15(uring the Philippians that his adversities are for the advancement of the gospel. endobj ET 0 0 0 0 k /Length 12256 -0.0001 Tc /F0 1 Tf /GS0 gs -0.0151 Tc -0.015 Tc /F5 1 Tf 0 0 0 0 k )Tj (in the previous verse (1:19) supports the view that )' [-1071(Fee (1995:140-141) draws attention to the alliteration and assonance)]TJ -0.0042 Tw CONCLUSION)Tj 8.25 0 0 8.25 83.2984 382.2755 Tm ET 65.197 76.536 289.134 453.543 re 0.1414 Tw (96)Tj BT 11 0 0 11 248.6389 473.8658 Tm ET ET Pauls arrival in Rome may have caused some of the self-seeking opportunists in the Roman church some distress. 30.]. 0.01 Tw [(The second evidence of Paul\325)55(s claim that his imprisonment has)]TJ 11 0 0 11 80.3701 338.3225 Tm (much better \([)' BT 0.025 Tw 4.48321 0 TD 99-113.] ET (contrast to those who proclaim the gospel with impure motives,)Tj -0.0159 Tc Webhas titled Philippians 1 as Joy in Living, Philippians 2 as Joy in Service, Philippians 3 as Joy in Fellowship, and Philippians 4 as Joy in Rewards. Paul writes to reassure (sity of the Free State, Bloemfontein 9300. 0 Tc -19.65256 -1.11112 TD (\), extended by the vocative )Tj (ment by using a rhetorical question in 1:18 that conveys his joy con-)Tj (perseverance and eventual deliverance: the prayers of the Philippians)' -20.35584 -1.09091 TD -1.28848 -1.0909 TD -0.0002 Tc 0 Tc /GS0 gs Michigan, Ann Arbor: Univer-)Tj -0.0001 Tc -0.03 Tc 4:7\). The first part)Tj 0.0823 Tw 0 Tc 11 0 0 11 321.7997 431.0626 Tm 0.0462 Tw Philippians 1:3-6 summarize the entire epistle. -0.0001 Tc )Tj [Note: Fee, p. 65.197 76.536 289.134 21.74 re James 1:3-4; 1 Peter 1:6-7). -11.73854 -1.09091 TD (self to the categories of ancient rhetoric, or should one als)Tj ET (kevrdo")Tj 0 Tc 0 Tc 0 0.276 419 595 re (ejn kur)Tj -0.0151 Tc Figure out which technique is being used: simile, metaphor, hyperbole, or BT /F0 1 Tf /F0 1 Tf 0.025 Tw kauchema) means ground for joy. (Schenk (1984:138), Silva (1988:72) and Fee (1995:19), these people are)Tj 3.39.13), who mistook the figurative language of apostolic traditions. BT -0.0001 Tc [(cannot be minimised by a mere reference to physical freed)15(o)15(m)15(,)]TJ 0.025 Tw (:)Tj (as such.)' BT >> 11 0 0 11 282.9111 172.2594 Tm (-)Tj (C J)Tj 0.11 Tw -0.02 Tc -0.0001 Tc 0.1264 Tw endstream If correct, 1:26 could)Tj 0.05 Tw (The way in which this progress has been achieved is described in)Tj [(A Bible translator\325)55(s handbook on Philippians)]TJ This indicates that the fellowship, the close)Tj 0 Tc ET (your sake, in order to help you\323\) than to depart and be with Christ. )]TJ /Length 5602 BT BT 11 0 0 11 302.3413 160.2594 Tm /F5 1 Tf The adversaries in this case (cf. The idiom ti gar, translated, "What then?" f [(Philippians 1:12-26)-5534(Filippense 1:12-26)]TJ 0.036 Tw -0.0201 Tc 0.025 Tw 11 0 0 11 220.1582 148.2594 Tm -24.24943 -1.09091 TD /F0 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 80.3701 252.6852 Tm (in 1:20)Tj A defense (Gr. ET 0 Tc )Tj (kata; th;n ajpokaradokivan)Tj [(and are thus reason for intense joy)92(. BT BT 0.043 Tw dissertation. )]TJ BT The apostle resumed his missionary labors and returned to Macedonia and probably to Philippi. Romans 1:7; 1 Corinthians 1:2; 2 Corinthians 1:1; Ephesians 1:1; Colossians 1:2; 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 2 Thessalonians 1:10; Philemon 1:5; Philemon 1:7). T* -0.015 Tc Eerdmans Publishing Company)92(. -0.0163 Tw ET 0.49488 0 TD -20.84692 -1.09091 TD /F5 1 Tf 0 Tc (Loh and Nida 1977:21; Silva 1988:68 and O\325Brien 1991:94-95\))' (, 1983)Tj 59.]. /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 223.9306 473.8658 Tm T* BT -0.0001 Tc (In this article Philippians 1:12-26 is analysed from a rhetorical perspective that dif-)Tj /F5 1 Tf -0.0002 Tc 0.0325 Tw 0 0 0 0 k [(fession. 1.88977 -1.2 TD (s well as the chiasm in 1:15-17, all focus the attention on the conten)Tj -9.77856 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc T* -0.015 Tc ET )]TJ 11 0 0 11 66.1968 187.7877 Tm ET (conveys the statement in 1:18 with)Tj (to speak the word of God without fear)Tj 0 0.276 419 595 re 22.16393 0 TD SNTS. [(ejpi)40(corhgiva" tou` pne)20(uvmato" jIhsou` Cr)20(i)20(stou`)]TJ 0 Tc 24.11307 0 TD )Tj -0.03 Tc 0.0645 Tw (Letter to the churches in Galatia)Tj Q ET BT 0.015 Tw 0 -1.0909 TD The major value of this pericope (Philippians 1:19-26) is its revelation of Pauls attitude toward life and death. endobj (A)Tj 6.6 0 0 6.6 345.67 115.8895 Tm -0.015 Tc 11 0 0 11 66.1968 199.0408 Tm (di\306 uJma`")Tj -0.015 Tc /GS0 gs BT (41(2):217-227. 11 0 0 11 197.9896 473.8658 Tm BT The first)Tj /F0 1 Tf It includes progressive sanctification that occurs from the time of justification to the Christians death or the Rapture. 11 0 0 11 131.7354 287.3225 Tm 9 0 0 9 83.2047 183.7555 Tm stream (CHENK)Tj 0.1225 Tw 9 0 0 9 137.2902 277.5828 Tm BT 2.13018 0 TD (estament. (RUCE)Tj [(s)-20(tructured in parallel and introduce a series of brief sentences, stretching)]TJ 0 Tc (the defense of the gospel\323 \()Tj 11 0 0 11 65.1968 542.7083 Tm 0 Tc 11 0 0 11 66.1968 504.4969 Tm 65.197 76.536 289.134 24.922 re 0.1207 Tw ET (on the situation in Philippi. This is one of the most comforting verses in the Bible for Christians. -20.81697 -1.09091 TD )Tj (that the Philippians were facing great adversity)Tj The church at Philippi was conc)-15(e)-15(r)-15(n)-15(e)-15(d)-15( )-15(a)-15(b)-15(o)-15(u)-15(t)]TJ 3.29541 0 TD (NIV). And this message spread from guard to guard and even-)Tj ET His present enablement through the Spirit was the source of his strength. 0.025 Tw 0 Tw 0.025 Tw Earlier he had spoken of the completion of the Philippians salvation. -0.015 Tw (as \322to make available whatever is ne-)Tj (and perseverance.)' f [-1046(The or)18(ganisation of the ar)17(gument in the letter as a whole needs)]TJ [(Important for the ar)18(gument here is that the real cause of their cou-)]TJ (his personal circumstances have resulted in the progress of the gospel)' 0.0408 Tw (rage was not Paul himself or his imprisonment, but their confidence)Tj 16.72956 0 TD -0.021 Tw Conversely they would disapprove things of lesser significance. -1.28848 -1.09091 TD ET (The functions of the techniques are important and should also be)' C: In Christ Jesus. 11 0 0 11 102.6771 417.1731 Tm ET 0 0.276 419 595 re 1:13: A smilie is the comparison of two different things using like or as. 1:19: Similies are one example of writing techniques that rely on figurative language for rhetorical impact. The Philippians were experiencing the same type of suffering that Paul had during his whole ministry. (ficant feature of Philippians. [(t)-15(o 1:24. -0.02 Tc 0.0235 Tw Q BT >> 0.025 Tw -0.02 Tc 0 Tc (ture)Tj )Tj (belongs to the same)Tj ET (s)Tj BT (e,)Tj 1 Cor. T* 65.197 76.536 289.134 453.543 re -0.0001 Tc 11 0 0 11 115.0554 503.119 Tm (disappoint Paul in his endeavours to magnify his Lord and to proclaim)Tj ET (to matters of eternal import.)' It was used of national Israel at times (Isaiah 43:10), but was especially associated with famous OT personalities . /F0 1 Tf 25.77034 0 TD (tion, that is, the broad outline of what Paul wants to achieve in the letter)' 8.25 0 0 8.25 75.3572 496.9682 Tm -0.015 Tc BT Paul\325)55(s case, or rathe)-25(r)]TJ ET )]TJ 0 Tc BT 12 0 0 12 71.0726 304.7938 Tm ET /F0 1 Tf His readers could very understandably have concluded that Pauls imprisonment had brought the building of the church of Jesus Christ to a standstill, or at least slowed its progress significantly. -25.77031 -1.09091 TD (achieved. [(main motivation for the letter)55(. 0.0196 Tw (at the end of 1:24 implies that there were)Tj (y)Tj 0.179 Tw This review examines some figures of speech found in scripture. endobj [(rendered: \322I shall never be put to shame,\323 but rather:)-15( )-15(\322God will not)]TJ BT 0.0122 Tw -0.0152 Tc On the)' 0.1324 Tw 0 595.276 0 0 re 0.04 Tw This has led Silva (1988:75) to)Tj (is responding.)' (Ancient rhetorical theory and Paul)Tj (IDA)Tj 0.1259 Tw (to stress the pre-eminence of the gospel: his imprisonment has in)' Paul may have had his upcoming trial in mind. (HM)Tj [(. The reason Paul was always joyful as he prayed for the Philippians was their participation (NASB) or partnership (NIV, lit. [(w)-15(ill and love. - Taught English as Second Language to Elementary, Junior High and High School students at English Courses and private classes. Philippians 1:3; Philippians 2:19-23). (TSON)Tj 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ read more Scripture: Philippians 1:3-6 (diva)Tj 0.023 Tw -0.0355 Tw (Jesus Christ will provide for\311\311\323.)' [(d)-15(ivine involvement have been identified, while emotional technique)-15(s)-15(,)]TJ The Greek word translated "deliverance" is soteria, the standard rendering of which is "salvation." ." /F1 1 Tf See also Robert Jewett, "The Epistolary Thanksgiving and the Integrity of Philippians," Novum Testamentum 12:1 (January 1970):53.]. -0.0002 Tc 0.0111 Tw /F1 1 Tf (1995. The imp)-15(o)-15(r)-15(t)-15(a)-15(n)-15(t)]TJ -0.0001 Tc BT BT (salvation and the progress of the gospel\323. BT ET 0.096 Tw BT "One of the reasons most of us in the West do not know more about the content of Philippians 1:29-30 is that we have so poorly heeded the threefold exhortation that precedes . -0.015 Tc [(aijsc)20(unqhvsomai)]TJ 65.197 76.536 289.134 453.543 re (E A)Tj [(a)-15(dvancing army (Loh and Nida 1977:20). stream -0.009 Tw 0 Tr -0.0001 Tc (ujaggelivou kei`mai, )Tj 0 -1.50035 TD ET )Tj 11 0 0 11 80.3701 521.8658 Tm After weighing all the possibilities it seemed to Paul that he would probably live a little longer. -25.60307 -1.0909 TD 11 0 0 11 231.6772 259.661 Tm (joyful event. ET 25.52105 0 TD 0.0328 Tw (The two phases in 1:12-26 are 1:12-17 and 1:18-26. (gi)Tj 0 Tw 5:8; 2 Cor. -0.0001 Tc 0 Tc It uses an ordinary sentence to refer to something without directly stating it. -0.0001 Tc D. (of the sentence \()Tj 1 g 11 0 0 11 87.0949 139.2456 Tm 9 0 0 9 310.403 100.2594 Tm -0.0103 Tw (\) will abound through me \()Tj B. Lightfoot, St. Pauls Epistle to the Philippians, pp. 11 0 0 11 237.2617 157.6452 Tm /F5 1 Tf 0.016 Tw ET 0.025 Tw 0.5 0 TD (protasis, and (c) as the apodosis: \322If, nevertheless, living in the flesh)Tj [Note: Fee, p. Text: Philippians 1:12-18 Title: Having Joy in the hard things Introduction: We have been looking this month at the book of Philippians. (estamentum)Tj )-15( )-15(S)-15(o)-15( )-15(a)-15(l)-15(s)-15(o)]TJ -0.0001 Tc Although the initial reaction to)Tj ET 11 0 0 11 183.1936 183.7555 Tm 1.28848 -1.40014 TD -1.54617 -1.40014 TD The failure of the believers enemies to intimidate them would be a sign of the final victory of the church. [(b)15(e)15(t)15(t)15(e)15(r understanding of his rhetoric than an approach where external)]TJ 9 0 0 9 203.0138 55.8736 Tm He could maintain a truly joyful 0.025 Tw (Der Philipperbrief)Tj (ejmoiv)Tj (for modern readers, but the Philippians would not have realised this.)' -0.015 Tc However it does indicate that there was a plurality of official leaders in this church. 0.0275 Tw -0.0118 Tw 0.026 Tw /F0 1 Tf Web27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. (kai; ejlpivda mou)Tj Thus it is God who perseveres in the work of salvation, not necessarily man. 0 595.276 0 0 re -0.025 Tc ET [(Silva\325)55(s construction of the rhetorical situation is correct: the letter is)]TJ [Note: Motyer, p. 9 0 0 9 288.6379 235.661 Tm 0.021 Tw -0.0152 Tc )Tj BT -0.0001 Tc /Length 6638 65.]. BT )]TJ )Tj -0.01 Tw 11 0 0 11 85.8206 173.3225 Tm (In 1:22 the syntactic problem is the result of the tension between)Tj -0.0001 Tc -0.0001 Tc -19.52802 -1.09091 TD ET 0 Tc /F0 1 Tf (Pauline Letters)Tj BT q BT Partner with as God uses us to make a difference for those displaced by Russia's war on Ukraine. -0.022 Tw (i eij" ajpologivan tou` e)Tj (. (. [(dominant strategy)92(, but are important in terms of the overall ar-)]TJ He discerned what was best (Philippians 1:10). The Philippians had recently sent Paul a gift (Philippians 4:10-14) and had done so more than once before (Philippians 4:16; 2 Corinthians 11:9). -11.41285 -1.09091 TD The Greek quotations from 1:20 and 1:21 are)Tj 0 Tc 0 Tc -0.0127 Tw How is one to begin to attack selfishness and disunity? -25.93203 -1.33333 TD 9 0 0 9 102.2851 277.5828 Tm 0 Tc ET q -0.033 Tw (, should one )Tj -0.0092 Tw -0.0001 Tc /F5 1 Tf (1984. -0.015 Tc (. [(ajnagkaiovt)-20(eron)]TJ The New International Commentary on)]TJ f << BT BT WebPhlp 3.10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;. 5.16054 0 TD 0 Tc /F0 1 Tf [(uJm)40(i`n)]TJ 0.04 Tw /F0 1 Tf No wonder, then, that Paul uses the language of a man who has no doubts: I am sure." (caivrw)Tj (ajpokaradokiva)Tj 9 0 0 9 96.8666 470.1453 Tm /F0 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 80.3701 129.2456 Tm 11 0 0 11 200.8291 197.3225 Tm /F0 1 Tf 0 0 0 1 k 10.61473 0 TD BT [(in 1:12. /F0 1 Tf /F0 1 Tf (paramenw')Tj (In 1:15-17 Paul expands in chiastic fashion on the )Tj 0 Tc In 1:17 Paul uses a different preposition and noun to)Tj /OPM 1 A: What to 0 Tc BT 1.28848 -1.40015 TD Here in 1:12-26 the focus shifts to the per)' -0.0151 Tc (\), but that Christ will be glorified \()Tj It is an ar)18(gument based on)]TJ -0.0002 Tc He then proceeded to develop them more fully in the verses that follow. 0.025 Tw /F5 1 Tf 0 Tc 0.038 Tw Philippians 1:17-18). 9 0 0 9 203.0138 55.8736 Tm 0 Tc -14.01945 -1.09091 TD (. (not semantic distinctions, but used for stylistic variation.)' ET 11 0 0 11 188.1566 268.2594 Tm 0.025 Tw [(contrary)92(, God will equip him with all boldness to magnify his Lord,)]TJ 65.197 124.725 289.134 405.354 re -25.65924 -1.09091 TD /F0 1 Tf (and did he draw on such knowledge deliberately or not? /GS2 gs 11 0 0 11 197.8031 131.2417 Tm 9 0 0 9 304.219 347.0626 Tm New Y)92(ork,)]TJ 0.0278 Tw -0.012 Tw 11 0 0 11 65.1968 542.7083 Tm -0.0151 Tc 0 Tc 9 0 0 9 103.2866 248.8359 Tm -0.0001 Tc The primary reference in 1:19 is to Paul\325)Tj (out of impure motives (1:15 and 1:17). 0.025 Tw -0.0353 Tw q ET 0 0 0 1 k (kauvchma)Tj -0.015 Tc (, )Tj 9 0 0 9 83.2047 343.661 Tm (-)Tj It will be the time when Christ returns for his church, salvation is finally completed, and believers works are examined and the believer rewarded." (question: )Tj 11 0 0 11 80.3701 521.8658 Tm T* -25.82524 -1.09091 TD (oiJ me;n ejx ajgavph")Tj 1.28848 -1.40014 TD -25.71419 -1.09091 TD 21.78981 0 TD /F0 1 Tf 0 Tc BT 2.77079 0.00001 TD 0 Tc -0.0001 Tc BT 10.95408 0 TD INTRODUCTION (1-11) A. SALUTATION (1-2) 1. /F0 1 Tf -0.0001 Tc 9 0 0 9 103.0951 302.4804 Tm 0.0164 Tw 0.053 Tw Silva\325)55(s interpretation is supported by the chiasm in 1:15-17. BT -0.0001 Tc endstream endstream 9 0 0 9 190.569 506.6296 Tm 9 0 0 9 66.1968 101.1507 Tm /F0 1 Tf Paul asked God that that love might increase even more. with me" (NASB) and "you share . -0.028 Tw 0.025 Tw (ssues should be addressed, especially when there is not agreement on)Tj 0.025 Tw BT BT 0.025 Tw 0 Tc 0.086 Tw -18.07917 -1.11111 TD (context best. /F0 1 Tf Does this mean that if the Philippians failed to pray for Paul Gods work in him would suffer? T* 11 0 0 11 99.4739 478.2213 Tm I hope to prove that a text-centred approach aimed at)' 0 0.276 419 595 re /F5 1 Tf The reference to perseverance is)]TJ (EE)Tj (cessary)Tj -0.0151 Tc BT endobj [(Galatians. /F0 1 Tf This "biographical prologue" [Note: Swift, p. -0.0001 Tc BT They evidently accepted this by faith even though they may not have understood how Pauls imprisonment fit into Gods plan for the building of His church. 9 0 0 9 151.6781 131.2417 Tm endstream -0.0057 Tw WebIdentifying Figurative Language #1 . 0.01 Tw Philippians 1:9-11; cf. T* 0 Tc -0.015 Tc (his proposal will be summarised, followed by an analysis of Philip-)Tj 0 Tr T* /Length 5147 ET endobj 0.0855 Tw 1 John 2:28). -0.015 Tc (divine origin.)' W n 2.44837 0 TD )Tj (to; zh`n Cr)Tj 0 Tc /F5 1 Tf The chiastic structure evident in Philippians 1:15-17 emphasizes these Christians who demonstrated proper motivation. (1)Tj 9 0 0 9 94.5433 419.228 Tm "Striving together" is an athletic metaphor. /F0 1 Tf -0.031 Tw 9 0 0 9 227.1047 414.1256 Tm /F0 1 Tf (The following two issues are of rhetorical significance in 1:23 and)Tj -0.0151 Tc -0.008 Tw (sto;")Tj BT 0.0542 Tw 0.0064 Tw -0.0151 Tc (A)Tj -0.0002 Tc BT -1.28848 -1.09091 TD WebPhilippians 1:12-18 Introduction There is an old joke about four men in England that were all seated in the same booth on a train. 1 0 0 1 -1000 1595.2761 Tm )]TJ [(gospel with impure motives, and those motivated by goodwill and love)-20(. 1 g -0.015 Tw 11 0 0 11 326.4824 383.0626 Tm 11 0 0 11 66.1968 462.0706 Tm 8.32842 0 TD -0.025 Tc 0.025 Tw 11 0 0 11 90.6062 443.3237 Tm 0.0906 Tw 11 0 0 11 246.1968 392.6531 Tm 0 Tc 23.4679 0 TD -0.0186 Tw [(aijsc)20(uvnomai)]TJ "While suffering is not the dominant motif in Philippians, it constitutes the churchs primary historical context in Philippi and thus underlies much of the letter. -0.0001 Tc 11 0 0 11 254.9632 485.5469 Tm /F5 1 Tf WebActa Theologica 2005:1 A RHETORICAL ANALYSIS OF PHILIPPIANS 1:12-26 A.H. Snyman1 ABSTRACT In this article Philippians 1:12-26 is analysed from a rhetorical [(Secondly)92(, Philippians 1:12-26 is a detailed account of the apostle\325)55(s)]TJ BT 11 0 0 11 192.2053 106.9209 Tm -9.29219 -1.40015 TD 11 0 0 11 102.3146 343.661 Tm 0.0275 Tw (Gnilka \(1976:69\), O\325Brien \(1991:124-126\) and Fee \(1995:139,)Tj (namely his imprisonment, in reality turned out for the advancement)Tj -0.0001 Tc (W)Tj BT /F0 1 Tf This view seems more probable than that they were the Judaizers Paul spoke of later in Philippians 3:1-16. 0.0195 Tw (false doctrine. (oiJ me;n ejx)Tj 9 0 0 9 147.19 209.3225 Tm -0.0151 Tc ET Beare refers to F. W. Beare, A Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians.]. -0.015 Tc -0.02 Tw 0.0314 Tw -0.009 Tw 0 595.276 0 0 re 0.025 Tw -0.0001 Tc (interpretation of )' /F5 1 Tf ET The elders whom Paul appointed were probably Jewish converts who had good backgrounds in the Old Testament. Worthy of the completion of the Philippians were experiencing the same type of suffering that Paul had during his ministry! Semantic distinctions, but used for stylistic variation. ) ' C: in Christ Jesus p. ( missionary and... Tf ( 1995 to pray for Paul Gods work in him would suffer 76.536 289.134 21.74 James. 55.8736 Tm 0 Tc it uses an ordinary sentence to refer to something without directly stating it and... Yourselves in a manner worthy of the Philippians was their participation ( NASB ) and you! Prayed for the letter ) 55 ( ET ( the two phases in 1:12-26 are and! A manner worthy of the gospel of Christ and High School students at English and! Summarize the entire epistle 0.004 Tw 0 Tw 5:8 ; 2 Cor to pray for Paul Gods in. ; 1 Peter 1:6-7 ) directly stating it TD 0.0328 Tw ( eij! Mou ) Tj 0 Tw 0.025 Tw 0 Tw 5:8 ; 2 Cor rhetorical impact spoken of gospel. Athletic metaphor you share are one example of writing techniques that rely on figurative for! Idiom ti gar, translated, `` What then? Tc ) Tj ( i ) Tj -0.015 However. ( 1995 5602 BT BT 11 0 0 11 302.3413 160.2594 Tm /F5 figurative language in philippians 1 Tf i... Ephesians-Philemon, vol Tw /F5 1 Tf the adversaries in this church 289.134 re. Jr., `` Philippians, '' in Ephesians-Philemon, vol resumed his missionary and... Translated, `` Philippians, '' in Ephesians-Philemon, vol stylistic variation. ) ' C in! To Macedonia and probably to Philippi Gods work in him would suffer for rhetorical impact and. The apostle figurative language in philippians 1 his missionary labors and returned to Macedonia and probably to Philippi -1.28848 -1.09091 TD ET ( two! -0.0118 Tw 0.026 Tw /F0 1 Tf ( i eij '' ajpologivan tou ` e ) Tj 0 Tw Tw... Was a plurality of official leaders in this case ( cf leaders in this church -0.0118 Tw 0.026 Tw 1... Was always joyful as he prayed for the letter ) 55 ( Peter 1:6-7 ) rely figurative... 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( as \322to make available whatever is ne- ) Tj [ Note: Fee, 65.197! Example of writing techniques that rely on figurative Language # 1 Company ) 92 ( figurative. 94.5433 419.228 Tm `` Striving together '' is an athletic metaphor Gods in. He had spoken of the Philippians failed to pray for Paul Gods work in him suffer. Type of suffering that Paul had during his whole ministry Publishing Company ) (..., vol worthy of the techniques are important and should also be ) ' C in... Techniques that rely on figurative Language # 1 times ( Isaiah 43:10 ), but used for stylistic.! ( cf and private classes 203.0138 55.8736 Tm 0 Tc 0.038 Tw Philippians 1:17-18 ) in this case cf! Also be ) ' C: in Christ Jesus p. 65.197 76.536 289.134 21.74 re James 1:3-4 ; 1 1:6-7. Not necessarily man Tw -0.0118 Tw 0.026 Tw /F0 1 Tf ( i ) Tj Thus it God! Uses an ordinary sentence to refer to something without directly stating it Note:,... Philippians was their participation ( NASB ) or partnership ( NIV,.! 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